01Hebdo #357: Will Apple buy Electronic Arts?

01Hebdo 357 Will Apple buy Electronic Arts

From May 31, some will say goodbye to WhatsApp. However, only holders of obsolete Android and iOS smartphones are affected.

The firm with the famous bitten apple would have started talks with Electronic Arts. Indeed, Apple would like to buy the American company of development and production of video games. Disney and Amazon are also said to be in discussion.

A symbolic gesture that marks the end of an era… the last phone booth in New York has just been removed. It should get a second life in one of the city’s museums.

Innovation at the service of the disabled

The non-profit association, TOM France, brings two worlds together during hackathons. Thus, people with disabilities interact with “Makers” in order to develop prototypes to make their daily life easier. Claire Chokron, co-founder of TOM France, tells us more about her association. It’s time for your Tech Care appointment with Orange.

Huawei tends to more transparency

The Chinese manufacturer, Huawei, is trying to restore its image by installing transparency centers around the world. There, it is possible to analyze the company’s source codes and test its level of security. Currently, there are 4 in Europe, including one in Belgium. Gilbert Kallenborn, journalist at 01net.com, went there for us.

Apps to become a gardening pro

With the arrival of sunny days, what could be better than getting back to gardening? If you don’t really have a green thumb, these apps are for you. Planta, Blossom or PictureThis, Margot Duchesne, journalist at 01TV, presents them to you on set.
