Ddl Competition, Citizens (AIOP): “Who contributes to health protection remains unheard”

Ddl Competition Citizens AIOP Who contributes to health protection remains

(Finance) – “We take note, with great regret, of the political will to leave the National Health Service to a Uncertain future, which penalizes strongly the population. The Competition Bill, establishes, in fact, that the authorizations and accreditations to the private law component of the SSN should be subject to a short-term review. “Thus Barbara Citizenspresident of Aiop, the Italian Association private hospitalregarding the examination of the ddl Competition.

“Condition that – he continues – subjects the system to real risk that, not being able to do long-term planning, a fundamental prerequisite for a sector that protects the health of the population, discourages investors and can also direct them to other countries where they have greater guarantees than their investments. The approval of the amendment to article 13 of the Competition bill in the Senate Industry Committee mortifies the requests from the private law component of the NHS “.

“We had asked, among other things, to harmonize the auditing system to the current regulatory framework and to overcome the anachronistic and irrational logic of expenditure ceilings. Unlike other categories, however, we were not heard, despite the essential contribution in the protection of the right to health that we guarantee every day “.

According to the president of Aiop, the decision reached in the Senate Industry Committee “as well as putting investments at risk indispensable to guarantee the quality of health care services and services, it creates a disparity in the evaluation and quality of services and services provided between the public law component and the private law component, making an assessment of the quality of the latter only.

In consideration of the fact that the provisions of the law are far from responding to European legislation and the bolkestain directive but responds to other logics, the Aiop – concludes Cittadini – will continue its battle to guarantee citizens the guarantee of the best services and performances, protecting the right to health and care “.
