More than 6.6 million have fled Ukraine

More than 66 million have fled Ukraine

More than 6.6 million people have fled Ukraine in the wake of the war, according to the UN. Of these, 2.9 million have sought refuge in Europe from Ukraine’s neighbors.

The refugees, most of them women and children, have flowed across borders since Russia attacked Ukraine on 24 February. Statistics from the UN refugee agency UNHCR show how the refugee flows have gone.

Most, 3.5 million, have sought refuge in neighboring Poland. At most 100,000 arrived daily at the Polish border, but since then the number has dropped to around 20,000 in May.

1.1 million have registered with Polish authorities and received an ID number that gives the right to take part in public services. Many also commute back and forth across the border to look after relatives or property they left behind during the war.

Of the 2.9 million who sought refuge from neighboring countries, most are in Germany, the Czech Republic and Italy.

– Newly arrived refugees often come from areas hard hit by fighting, some have spent weeks hidden in shelters or basements, says Olga Sarrado, UNHCR spokesperson.

– They often suffer from great stress and anxiety after leaving family members behind, without a clear plan for where to go, with poorer financial resources and contacts than those who fled early, she continues.

Long-term help from the world community is needed to maintain the level of relief efforts, she believes.
