“All these children, we knew them”, testifies a mother

All these children we knew them testifies a mother

Her little girl was able to come out of the killings alive after coming face to face with the shooter at her school in Uvalde, Texas. Celeste, a mother who, as a result, considers herself miraculous, confided in the microphone of RFI, the day after a massacre that gripped all of America with dread.

With our special correspondent in Uvalde, David Thomson

Celeste is driving yesterday when she hears on the radio that an incident is going on at her 9-year-old daughter’s school. This 30-year-old mother immediately goes there.

When she arrives, the police prevent her from entering and at the same time, the shooter emerges from the primary school and opens fire in their direction. ” He came out and started shooting everyone, I was really scared “says Celeste.

Inside the building, the gunshots resume and Celeste’s daughter is still inside. She manages to hide She stayed in the toilet the whole time. She tried to get out and he shot right in front of her. So she stopped. She hid on the side. And she saw him running and shooting. »

“She hid for 15 minutes like that and she started running towards the first open door. And then I jumped up I grabbed her and I put her in my car. And I waited for the children of two mother friends of mine to come out, but they didn’t come out. »

Celeste, who knew all the little victims, now feels the guilt of being able to kiss her daughter, when 19 other families from the same school will never see their children again.

So she came to drop off 19 stuffed animals in front of the gate of the primary school. One for each victim she all knew.

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