Georgia voters change sides to stop Trump candidates

Georgia voters change sides to stop Trump candidates

Democrat Karen White states that a lot is at stake in the 2022 primary election.

– It is the future of Georgia and to some extent the future of the United States, she says.

She points out that Georgia was involved in deciding the 2020 presidential election. And she believes that the votes in the state can be of great importance in the midterm elections this autumn.

– Now there are so many issues at stake for our members of Congress and the Senate. Just take the abortion issue that came up just a few weeks ago, she says.

Georgia in the South has in many ways become the battlefield for suffrage in the United States.

After the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump tried to persuade Republicans in the state to “find” 11780 votes and block Biden’s election victory. The Trump camp has now launched its own candidate, David Perdue, to take revenge on incumbent Governor Brian Kemp.

Several people outside the library in Duluth say that they changed sides only for the primary election. That is, they are Democrats participating in the Republican primary and voting for the incumbent governor to prevent Perdue from becoming governor this fall.

– It felt strange to go here. I’ve never voted for the Republicans. But this is about what is most important right now, says Julia Lymthy.

She has taken care of herself to the polls with his father Jim. He, too, has voted for Brian Kemp, even though he plans to cast his vote for the Democrats this fall.

– We are worried about what will happen if Trump gets his candidates in. We saw what happened on January 6, 2021, he says, referring to the storming of the Capitol.

For Democrats, Kemp is both a hero and a villain: on the one hand, the governor stood up to Trump’s pressure. On the other hand, he has introduced a number of restrictions that, for example, make it more difficult to vote at a distance.

Republicans claim that the new rules provide better protection against fraud and deception. They also point out that unexpectedly many have managed to vote early in the primary election.

In the mid-term elections in November, the parties’ candidates will be pitted against each other.

– It is important to vote precisely because we see that attempts are being made to restrict the right to vote. We are not an equal society unless everyone has the opportunity to participate in the elections, says Yinka Badmus who visits the polling station in Duluth with her husband and children.

Primary elections 2022

The parties’ internal elections ahead of the mid-term elections this autumn. Among other things, candidates are nominated for Congress and for important positions in many states. The primary election takes place over a number of Tuesdays this spring and summer. Tonight, Tuesday, May 24, the primary elections will be decided in Georgia, Alabama and Arkansas. In addition, some re-elections are being held in Texas and a by-election in Minnesota.

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