Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1192 of May 24, 2022

Summary of Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1192 of May

In episode 1192 of Tomorrow belongs to us from Tuesday May 24, 2022, Vanessa plans to make Georges her next victim. Summary and spoilers.

In DNA episode 1192 on May 24, a woman’s hair was found with the vials of digitalis from Tristan’s chest, so Tristan would be innocent. For his part, Georges investigates Vanessa. He meets his father who explains to him that she never mourned the death of her mother and did not accept that he start a new life with Alice. Worse still, when the latter died of a heart attack, shortly before her wedding, Vanessa did not even try to hide her satisfaction. Was Alice Vanessa’s first victim? Plagued by doubts, Georges ends up asking his companion if she has anything to do with all these murders. In response, she leaves the apartment. The policeman was right: the last scene of the episode shows Vanessa taking a bottle of digitalis from a fridge. Georges is his next target.

For his part, Nordine announces to Sara and Roxane that he refuses to be their donor. Given his personal history, he won’t be able to keep his distance, he would get too involved. The girls understand, even if they are very disappointed. Nordine also tells Sophie of his decision as he saw that it seemed to upset her. In the episode of DNA broadcast on Tuesday May 24 on TF1, Sara and Roxane set their sights on Damien. But when they explain their situation to him and ask him to be their donor, he is completely panicked.

Finally, in this episode of Tomorrow belongs to us, Étienne broaches the subject of the baccalaureate with Nathan, who is convinced that his case is hopeless and that he will not be able to get it. For the CPE, the young man just suffers from a lack of self-confidence, he offers him a breathing exercise to learn how to control his stress. Étienne also advises him to visualize colors to calm himself down. Nathan, who until then was not receptive, seems to discover the benefits of sophrology. He practices the exercise in bed with Angie, and it works!
