Breaking news: After Sweden and Finland applied for NATO membership, Turkey put the veto card on the table due to the support given by the two countries to terrorism. There were messages from Finland and Sweden that Turkey’s concerns would be taken into account. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized that they do not view their membership positively. Finally, a statement came from NATO on the subject.
NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg said that Turkey is the NATO member that has suffered the most from terrorist attacks, so a way must be found to address their concerns.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan drew attention to the support given by the two countries to terrorism and said, “We told our related friends that we would say ‘no’ to Finland and Sweden joining NATO, and we will continue in this way.” Expressing that he did not favor the membership of Finland and Sweden at every opportunity, Erdogan’s messages came from NATO, Finland and Sweden, stating that Turkey’s concerns would be relieved.