Nekfeu: the S-Crew is back, what we know

Nekfeu the S Crew is back what we know

NEKFEU. After several days of rumours, the Nekfeu group announces the upcoming release of a new album.

Since the appearance of mysterious posters, rumors were rife. It’s now official: the S-Crew is back. The formation, which brings together Nekfeu, 2Zer, Framel and Mekra, announces the forthcoming release of a new album, called SZR 2001. It will therefore be the third album of the S-Crew after Seine Zoo released in 2013 and Destins Liés in 2016. On the night of Sunday to Monday May 23, 2022, the group posted, on its Twitter account, a video confirming the publication of this new opus, without specifying a precise release date.

Anyway, the countdown is launched on the site that accompanies the project: this Monday, May 23 at noon this famous new album will be available for pre-order.

Last week, a series of plastered posters created a stir on the web. Since Monday, May 16, several black posters, flanked by the inscription “SZR2001” and the logo of the Seine Zoo Records label, had been seen first in the streets of Strasbourg, then everywhere in France, in particular on the Paris ring road. From these posters were born several theories: a return of Nekfeu in solo or that of the S-Crew, collective formed by Nek’, Framal, Mekra and 2zer in 2001… As the date indicated on the posters. It is therefore this last hypothesis that is confirmed.
