Moon Knight Season 2 is on the brink and fans of all people need to save the future of Marvel

Moon Knight Season 2 is on the brink and fans

The MCU series has been quiet since the Moon Knight finale. Until now nobody knows if Oscar Isaac as unusual superhero with multiple personalities returns for a second season on Disney+.

Now, however, an interesting new piece of information about the future of Moon Knight has surfaced. Apparently it’s up to the fans themselves who 2nd season of the Marvel series to make possible and even help shape the content.

Marvel fans are to take part in a poll on the Moon Knight future in the US

As reported by sites such as The Cosmic Circus, selected Disney+ subscribers in the USA are currently getting one Moon Knight questionnaire sent. This comes from the provider Maru/Matchbox, which Disney + uses for questions about the Moon Knight future. Some of the points from the survey were also shared on Twitter:

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These include, for example, questions about the pacing of the first season, how much interest there is in a second season of Moon Knight and how much interest there is in returning individual characters. That includes villain Arthur Harrow (Ethan Hawke), who we actually said goodbye to in the post-credits scene in the Moon Knight finale.

Specific wishes for the content of any future Moon Knight episodes may also be expressed. As a result, it already looks as if Marvel fans would have to actively participate in the decision about a second season of Moon Knight and even influence content elements.

So far the poll only in the US surfaced. It remains to be seen whether German Disney+ subscribers will also be allowed to give their opinion.

Podcast: When and how does Moon Knight continue?

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One of the things we discuss on the podcast is the impact the post-credits scene could have on Moon Knight Season 2. In addition, we ask ourselves whether Moon Knight as new member of the Avengers suitable. Last but not least, the series has so far been characterized by its independence.

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What do you wish for a second season of Moon Knight?
