Introduction to NFT has become an elective course! Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar announced

Introduction to NFT has become an elective course Ankara University

An important step has come from Ankara University towards the NFT (non-fungible token) rush, which has been growing and millions of dollars in sales recently.


Ankara University Rector Prof. Dr. Necdet Ünüvar reported that the “Introduction to NFT” course was added to the general pool of social elective courses with the decision of the Senate.

Ünüvar shared on his social media account, “With today’s senate decision, the “Introduction to NFT” course of the Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Basic Art Education has been added to the general social elective courses pool of our university. Good luck to our university and our students.” made his statement.

Quota for 70 people

According to the information received, the “Introduction to NFT” course will be among the elective courses for the first time in the spring semester of 2022, a branch and a quota of 70 people will be allocated to the course.


