Genoa, Giovannini: on Gronda enough announcements, the steps to follow have already been reported in Parliaments

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(Finance) – The Minister of Infrastructure and Sustainable Mobility, Enrico Giovanninihe stated that regarding the timing for the construction of the Genoa eaves you must avoid the ad policy. “I have already reported in Parliament what are the steps we imagine. The checks must be done seriously to avoid making announcements that are not reflected in real operations in the field”, she explained during a conference on the infrastructure of the field. Liguria and responding to the mayor of the Ligurian capital, Marco Bucciwho asked for clarification on the timing for the work.

“The condition of Aspi has held back a number of activities given the uncertainty of the future. Uncertainty that has now been dissolved “, however Giovannini assured.” Liguria – underlined the minister – is the subject of an extraordinary amount of investments and therefore it needs the whole system to work in a cohesive, coherent and cooperative way “.

The occasion was also useful to touch on other issues dear to the system of infrastructure. “How long have they told us that the law on the revision of the procurement code Would it be difficult and wouldn’t it arrive in time? Well, the House committee has voted on the measure, which should go to the court next week and should then go to the Senate for one last very quick reading. So we will respect the times“said Giovannini.

“The text – declared the minister – benefits from many of the interventions carried out in the last year thanks also to PNRRand therefore the good practices that are proving to be such, also on the basis of the criticisms we are receiving, will be translated into the new procurement code “.” On this too – he added – the agreement with Strength policies it was found without any particular drama. I would like to remind you that political positions were totally polarized a year ago. The synthesis we found in the times foreseen seems to me a good example of cooperation between government, political forces and Parliament “.

Finally, the minister said he was concerned about the extra costs for the matter prime. “It is the result of this concern, and of a long and difficult discussion with the business world, the decision to allocate, out of the 15 billion interventions of the aid decree in recent weeks, 10 billion precisely to face the increase in the cost of raw materials and avoid blocking of construction sites “.
