ASPI, Free To X: the Roadmap for the installation of high-power electric charging stations continues

ASPI Free To X the Roadmap for the installation of

(Finance) – The implementation of the Free To X electrification and sustainability project, start-up of Autostrade per l’Italia group dedicated to the development of advanced mobility services, with theinauguration of the first High Power Charging station in Abruzzo, in Torre Cerrano Ovest (A14 – Ancona-Pescara).

“Ever since, last year, the electrification plan of the grid managed by Aspi was launched, Free To X – declares Giorgio Moroni, CEO of Free To X – is committed to designing a network that would ensure geographic neutrality from North to South and from East to West, with the aim of carrying out the provision of the service to users traveling along the Group’s backbones with homogeneity and continuity “.

Until the completion of the plan, scheduled for summer 2023– Aspi says in a note – an average of 6/7 new construction sites will be started every month and currently the total investment for 100 high power charging stations is bigger than 70 million euros.

Once the installation plan has been completed, on 100 service areas of the Aspi network, the average distance between one charging area and another will be of about 50 kmequal to the average interdistance of service areas at European level, as well as – Aspi underlines – in line with the proposal for a European regulation (Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation – AFIR), within the package of “Fit for 55” climate measures.

The station open today is the thirteenth of Free to X on the Autostrade per l’Italia network. The construction sites already active – at an advanced stage – are 24. Le affected stations are: San Nicola Est (A1 – Naples-Rome), La Pioppa Est (A14 – Bologna-Ancona), La Pioppa Ovest (A14 – Bologna-Ancona), Montefeltro Ovest (A14 – Bologna-Ancona), Torre Cerrano Est (Irpinia North (A16 – Naples-Canosa), South Irpinia (A16 – Naples-Canosa), East Brughiera (A8 – Milan-Varese), West Brughiera (A8 – Milan-Varese), East Po (A13 -Bologna-Padua), Po West (A13 – Bologna-Padua), West Lario (A9 – Milan – Como), East Lario (A9 – Milan – Como), East San Zenone (A1 – Milan – Bologna), South Brianza (A4 – Milan-Brescia), Arno Est (A1 – Florence – Rome), Aurelia Sud (A10 Genoa – Savona), Arno Ovest (A1 Florence – Rome),
Firenze Nord (A11 Firenze – Mare), Peretola Sud (A11 Firenze – Mare), Canne della Battaglia Ovest (A14 Canosa – Taranto), Canne della Battaglia Est (A14 Canosa – Taranto), Torre Fantine Est (A14 Lanciano-Canosa), West Fantine Tower (A14 Lanciano-Canosa).

