95 % positive reviews, twice as many players as the predecessor

The games in the “Two Point” series have an enormously high wusel factor and game mechanics that are reminiscent of “The Sims”. The new title “Two Point Museum” (PC, Mac, PS5, Xbox Series) costs 30 € on Steam for the release and receives fantastic reviews.

What kind of game is that? In “Two Point Museum” you head various museums, you have to put up with research expeditions, keep your employees happy and ensure that visitors are fed up and satisfied with your museums and, in the best case, learn something.

Challenges are, for example, nasty thieves who steal your exhibits and annoyed employees who want to constantly go to the toilet, demand more money or have luxury desires, such as regular meals or breaks. And an employee is lost on these expeditions if you are not careful.

In “Two Point Museum” you build relatively few museums with a focus on fossils, supernatural, aquatic living beings, research and space – but these few museums visited her several times and continues to expand it.

You can see the trailer for the Steam game here:

Two Point Museum – the announcement trailer for the simulation game

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How many players does Two Point Museum have? On Steam, the game at the top has reached 17,455 simultaneous players. This is twice as much as its direct predecessor, Two Point Campus, could collect, but only about half as much as the origin of the series, “Two Point Hospital” in September 2018.

The hospital simulation Two Point Hospital had already established role models with games such as Theme Hospital. Such a museum simulation is rather new territory.

Enthusiastic reviews praise a clever innovation in the genre

This is what the reviews on Steam say: With 95 % positive reviews, the ratings of players on Steam are exceptionally strong. In comments it says:

“There are so many details in the gameplay and in the decorative items. Building and decorating the buildings is much better than in the old games. Different types of guests have different needs. That gives me the vibe of flash games that I used to play. ”

“It is the best part of the Two point games. One of the cleverly ideas that I have seen in the genre for a long time is: that you have to switch between museums to get forward. As a result, I didn’t get a burnout from a single museum as before. ”

“Very well designed game. I think the way various aspects of traditional management simulations bring into a new format is really well done. ”

There are only relatively few museums that continue to expand it. You have to collect stars to make progress.

High Wusel factor, role-playing aspects and a lot of charm make up Two Point Museum

That is the impression of Meinmmo editor-in-chief Schuhmann: I bought Two Point Museum myself, but for the “normal release” on March 4 for € 30. Not to the rather silly -early release for € 40. I have now spent 23 hours with Two Point Museum and can recommend it.

It is astonishingly polished and bow -free for the release. From time to time, visitors hang stuck or something, but that’s not a problem.

Compared to Two Point Campus, which I also played extensively, the progression clever is made with changing the museums.

The expeditions work similarly to browser games: there are prerequisites that your employees have to meet so that the expedition goes through cleanly. If you do not meet these challenges, you will receive punishments, right down to the loss of employees. So you are doing well to level your employees in the small role-playing aspect of the Game and to train with the right properties.

Your employees must have the necessary level or the right training to avoid dangerous missing in action.

Ultimately, the attraction is so a simulation that you build up your museums in such a way that it runs by itself and everything works smoothly. All of the bustling is about getting order to chaos.

The games of the Two-Point series are charming, run relaxed and have an extremely high bustle factor. Especially for people who like “the Sims”, this is a clear recommendation.

You can see from the positive reviews of decent numbers of players on Steam: Two Point Museum has been very successful for a niche of players who also achieved and appeals – but it is not a game for almost all strategy players, such as Manor Lords, which has achieved over 173,000 simultaneous players. Two Point Museum is rather small, but fine.

A strategy game that I can recommend if games like Two Point Museum are much too relaxed and you need a higher pulse of the pulse while playing is Against The Storm: I spent 50 hours on Steam in 4 days-no urban building game has been caught for 30 years
