The hardcore servers have started at WoW Classic: Anyone who underestimates a mob here will die and lose their character. Blizzard now shows where it has dismembered the most players: 90,000 have already died in the first 24 hours.
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Above all, people die in WoW Classic
Who were the most dangerous mobs? As Blizzard reveals, after 24 hours, over 90,000 game characters had already breathed their last.
It’s the little buggers that have killed the most players: the Kobold Miner and the Murloc Steamrunner are ahead in terms of kills, along with the Wendigo.
“You do not take candle!”
Why are so many dying? As a user on WoWhead says, the starting area for humans is a death zone, the kobold mine is like a death trap: it looks like everything is okay when you go into the mine, but then suddenly tens of kobolds respawn between the player and the safe exit.
You could go damn fast: Even Blizzard had warned of exactly such caves from the start (via twitter).
It’s stupid when you’re a guild leader and overdo it:
Others say the numbers show that “Humans” are arguably the most popular starting race on the hardcore servers, but they also show that many may have forgotten how tough WoW Classic is compared to retail.
Everyone should know that you never go into a cave or murloc village unless you are at least 4-8 levels higher than the mobs there.
Well, I guess some people forgot about that.
More on WoW Classic:
Player works for weeks on the hardest achievement in WoW Classic – Blizzard thinks he is a bot and bans him