90% seen in women! It can have fatal consequences

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Emotions experienced during the day play an important role in the formation of diseases. Emotions such as stress and sadness lay the groundwork for diseases such as cancer and heart attack. Broken heart syndrome, which is among these diseases, can also lead to fatal consequences. Broken heart syndrome is seen in 90% of women. exp. Dr. Mehmet Burak Özen gave information about ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’, which shows symptoms such as a heart attack and occurs due to situations such as loss and mourning.


Noting that the other known name of the broken heart syndrome is Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy, Özen said, “Situations such as losing a very close relative, receiving sad news or suffering a very serious financial loss, being a disaster occur with the presence of laboratory and ECG findings similar to a heart attack after intense stress. We see this more frequently, especially in our patients who have lost a loved one. One of our patients, who was diagnosed with broken heart syndrome and treated, had recently lost 5 relatives in the last month. In a patient who lost a relative, the risk of heart attack increases by 20 percent in the first day and by 7 percent in the following week. 90% of our broken heart syndrome patients are female.


These patients also apply to the emergency room with the symptoms of shortness of breath and chest pain, just like in a heart attack. Since the heart charts and blood results of these patients show a heart attack, we take the patients for emergency angiography. In the angiography of the patients, we find that their vessels are open. However, the patient has a ballooning and non-functioning condition, especially at the end of the heart. We manage these patients like a heart attack, even if their veins are open. Unfortunately, this disease can be fatal. During this heart attack, heart failure and fatal rhythm disturbances can develop. That’s why we follow this disease in the intensive care unit. If they get over this situation, they recover their hearts to a large extent, unlike a heart attack. Therefore, if our patients under intense stress have symptoms of chest pain and shortness of breath, it should not be attributed to intense stress and loss of relatives, and it is necessary to apply to the emergency service. In these patients with symptoms such as heart attack, electrocardiography, which we call the heart strip, and especially the troponin values ​​in the heart, which we call heart enzymes, should be measured in the emergency room. It should be kept in mind that broken heart syndrome can be fatal.” said.
