The Twitch streamer Gronkh wanted to upload new emotes to Twitch. But the joy of the new emotes was quickly dampened when Twitch decided they violated its guidelines. Gronkh himself expressed surprise and confusion at this decision, seeing no obvious reason for it.
A running gag that has existed in the Gronkh community for a long time is the so-called “StuhlTV”. Whenever Gronkh gets up from his chair and only this is visible in the picture, the chat fills with a special emote: ChairTV.
What started as a simple gag developed into a real cult that has even gained a foothold on other platforms such as Twitter and Reddit. StuhlTV has its own Twitter account, was painted and defended by the community at the Reddit event r/Place and is now set to receive more emotes.
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Gronkh, the man with the voice – career and life of Germany’s most famous Let’s Player
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Which emote from StuhlTV is problematic? The problems started when Gronkh tried to upload new emotes from StuhlTV. However, these were blocked by Twitch. Gronkh expressed his lack of understanding about this on X/Twitter on the night of February 15th to February 16th, 2024. He emphasized that the chair depicted in the emote was completely covered in leather and was therefore wearing more “clothing” than some streamers on the Twitch homepage.
Not only was the emote itself blocked, but the images of it on Twitter were also subject to the same restrictions. Gronkh responded with a humorous comment, pointing out that StuhlTV might just be too hot for Twitch and adding that next time he’d rather deal with an alternative like “OF bots spamming cheap ads everywhere.” “.
How did Gronkh react to the situation? Gronkh, known for his humor, took the situation calmly. He created another post commenting on the Twitch guidelines in a humorous way.
He posted a comparison image that showed a lewd woman on the left who was probably streaming on Twitch, while the offending ChairTV emote could be seen on the right. This ironic depiction highlighted Gronkh’s lack of understanding of Twitch’s decisions.
Which emotes were additionally banned? However, the problems were not limited to Gronkh’s main channel. Another emote was also blocked on his second channel GronkhTV. This had the writing: “-20 IQ”.
Twitch justified the blocking with allegations of targeted insults, bullying or incitement to abuse. Gronkh simply commented on the decision: “Ok, Twitch”.
Gronkh’s tweets also included numerous humorous comments that underlined the absurdity of the situation:
Another interesting twist came when Shahruk Ger wrote under the tweet: “Hypothetically, assuming some resourceful users just happened to copy the emote and post it in the chat without your knowledge, would you get in trouble? Just out of interest?”
Gronkh replied: “Maybe someone just uploaded the emotes to 7TV. I have no idea who would do something like that. But it could be.”
This humorous response shows how Gronkh handles the situation while displaying his trademark sarcasm.
Currently Gronkh is trending not only on Twitter but also on Twitch. After all, he is the world’s largest Palworld streamer at the moment. You can read more about it here: Gronkh shows on Twitch that he’s still got it: he’s currently the biggest Palworld streamer in the world