9 weeks of pregnancy (11 weeks): the embryo becomes a “fetus”

9 weeks of pregnancy 11 weeks the embryo becomes a

The 9th week of pregnancy (or 11 weeks) marks the beginning of the 3rd month of pregnancy. It is also the end of the constraining symptoms. By the end of the 3rd month, you will have your 1st prenatal examination and your first ultrasound. On the baby side, we are now talking about a fetus and no longer an embryo. Here is what awaits you during this 9th week of pregnancy.

Here it is already 9 weeks pregnant and that you are already starting your third month of pregnancy. At this stage, we no longer speak of an embryo, but of fetus ! This means that your future baby has already developed well and is continuing its transformation at full speed. Besides, your belly, which until then was very discreet, will begin to round out over the coming weeks. You will soon be able to announce the happy news to those around you. Expectant mothers generally wait until the end of the 3rd month of pregnancy or the first ultrasound to ensure that the baby is doing well. This month you will also have your 1st prenatal exam. Also remember to make your declaration of birth to the Caf and the Health Insurance in order to be taken care of during your next appointments. We take stock of the course of this 9th week of pregnancy:

How many months and SA at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

The 9th week of pregnancy corresponds to 11 weeks of amenorrhea or 11 SA. You start your 3rd month of pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy at 9 weeks?

This 9th week of pregnancy should mark the end of morning sickness or, at the very least, a marked decrease in their frequency and intensity. You should also have less need to pee all day, as your uterus begins to rise, releasing pressure on the bladder. On the other hand, you can be prone to other small disorders. You can for example feel out of breath as soon as you go up the stairs, or feeling like your legs weigh a little more. This is completely normal: the volume of blood inside your body keeps increasing, which raises the pressure and therefore the blood pressure. Remember to walk daily without forcing it: it’s good for blood circulation, and for morale!

The renal system

At this stage of pregnancy, your kidneys will be more and more solicited. Indeed, they continue to ensure the elimination of your own metabolic waste, but they also ensure this function for those rejected by the fetus. To accompany their work, remember to drink plenty of water during the day: at least 1.5 liters. It will also help you prevent constipation, which is quite common during pregnancy. On the other hand, try to limit your consumption of coffee and tea, which contain stimulants.

The respiratory system

Your whole body must adapt to meet the pregnancy-induced changes. This is especially the case with your respiratory system. The ribs move apart and the diaphragm rises slightly to allow the lungs to increase the oxygenation of the body. You might be short of breath and feel a little tight, that’s completely normal.

Why do you have a stomach ache at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

In the first trimester of pregnancy, abdominal pain is common and has multiple causes. Rise in progesterone and relaxin levels, softening of the ligaments and widening of the pelvis, growth of the uterus, so many possible explanations for abdominal pain. These ailments are mild most of the time but do not hesitate to consult if they persist.

How is the belly at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

At 11 weeks LMP, your uterus is now the size of a kumquat and your belly gradually begins to round out.

When does the risk of miscarriage decrease?

At this stage of pregnancy, the risk of miscarriage is still present. If it is useless to live permanently in the anguish of a premature end to this pregnancy, pay attention to the signals that your body sends you. Severe stomach pain and heavy bleeding should encourage you to consult a doctor quickly. These symptoms may indicate a small placental abruption that will only require rest, but best to be careful. We usually wait until the end of the third month of pregnancy to rule out the risk of miscarriage.

When to do the first ultrasound?

Generally, first trimester ultrasound takes place between 11 weeks and 13.5 weeks of amenorrhea, i.e. between 9 weeks of pregnancy and 11 and a half weeks of pregnancy. Ask the doctor who follows you to make an appointment.

How does the fetus develop at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

It was during this 9th week of pregnancy that your baby changes qualifier, from embryo, it becomes fetus. All its organs are in place and only have to develop. The transformation phase now gives way to the development phase.

  • His arms and legs continue to grow (with an ever-increasing pace for his arms).
  • The hands begin to bend at the wrists, and the webbed side of his feet disappears.
  • Her face is more and more shaped. His eyelids are now present, his eyes are gradually taking their final place but will remain closed for a few more weeks, the small holes in his nostrils are getting closer, his lips are taking shape.
  • His small head begins to straighten and round out although it is still disproportionate and makes up about a third of his body.
  • Your baby keeps moving and turning in the amniotic fluid, even though you can’t feel his movements yet.

What is the size of the fetus?

At 9 weeks of pregnancy, your baby is approx. 4 centimeters and weighs around 10 grams.

What to do at 9 weeks pregnant?

A health check of the future dad

In this beginning of 3rd month of pregnancy, this is the right time to update your status on the administrative level, and to encourage the future dad to also take stock of his state of health. Indeed, few future fathers know this but they too are entitled to a medical examination intended to take a complete look at their state of health. This must be programmed before the end of the 4th month of pregnancy of their partner: think about it and enjoy it without hesitation! This consultation is 100% covered by health insurance and includes numerous laboratory tests.

The declaration of pregnancy, before the end of the 3rd month

If you haven’t done so yet, don’t forget to resend your declaration of pregnancy before the end of this 3rd month of pregnancy. This is given to you by your doctor, your gynecologist or your midwife during the first prenatal visit. Send the pink section to your health insurance fund, and the two blue sections to your family allowance fund. Know that it is now possible for your practitioner to make this declaration online so that it is transmitted automatically, do not hesitate to talk to him about it. Thus, you will benefit as quickly as possible from the 100% coverage of compulsory examinations during your pregnancy. Also remember to update your Vitale card in order to benefit from your rights, for example from your pharmacist.

What physical activity to practice at 9 weeks of pregnancy?

Pregnancy is not incompatible with the practice of physical activity, on the contrary! Playing sports is both excellent for your form but also for your morale. If it is recommended to avoid too violent sports (horse riding, trampoline, combat sports etc.) nothing prevents you from running at your own pace if you are used to it or from practicing swimming, water aerobics, prenatal yoga, pilates or just walking. However, be sure to ask your doctor for the green light and to listen to your body and your feelings.
