9 symptoms to watch out for – could be TBE

9 symptoms to watch out for – could be TBE

During the summer, the risk of being infected by tick-borne encephalitis, abbreviated TBE, increases. The disease is caused by a virus that ticks can carry. Therefore, it is especially important to pay attention to symptoms after receiving a tick bite.

READ MORE: The doctor’s five tips to protect yourself from ticks

There are areas where there is a particularly high risk of becoming infected. You can read about where these areas are The caregiver guidebut most common is in Stockholm County and around Lake Mälaren.

That’s how big the risk of getting infected is

News24 have talked to Charlotte Rydgårdassistant infectious disease doctor at Region Stockholm, who tells us that it is not possible to answer exactly how big the risk is, but that the risk of getting infected depends on several things.

Some examples of these are the tick density in the area and how much you spend outside in nature. This is because ticks thrive best where it is moist, such as in grass and shrub vegetation. The risk of infection also decreases the faster you remove the tick.

“The incidence of TBE in ticks varies in different areas, but even in risk areas, only about two out of a hundred ticks are carriers of the virus. Therefore, the risk of infection after a single tick bite is small,” she says.


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Got a tick? Then you should do this

“After a stay in nature, one should inspect the body for ticks and remove them as soon as possible. A tick that is stuck should be removed by slowly pulling it straight out, for example with the help of tweezers.”, says Charlotta, referring to 1177 The care guide.

Early symptoms of TBE

According to The Norwegian Public Health Authority 300–600 cases of TBE are reported every year in Sweden. The nature of the disease can vary from no symptoms, to milder symptoms to severe encephalitis.

Charlotta Rydgård gives examples of previous symptoms of TBE:

  • Muscle pain
  • Headache
  • Feeling sick and possibly fever
  • “In about a quarter of those infected, relapse occurs after about a week with signs of inflammation in the brain or meninges,” she says. Then you should pay attention to symptoms such as:

  • High fever
  • Headache
  • Light and sound shyness
  • Balance difficulties
  • Confusion and other cognitive symptoms
  • But there are those who get direct symptoms from the brain right away without previously having a fever.

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