9 protein salads (without meat) and 100% healthy

9 protein salads without meat and 100 healthy

With the sunny days who returnsalads do their thing big back. But how can you prepare satisfying and balanced dishes without meat? Find 9 salads with vegetable proteins.

Essential to our body to workproteins are not only found in meat. Legumesoilseeds, soy derivatives, cereals, seeds or even in the tofu… THE vegetable proteins are found in many more foods than we think and are full of benefits.

On the same subject

Why eat plant proteins?

Diversifying the origin of the proteins we consume is both beneficial for health and the environment.

Plant proteins provide antioxidants and fibers which participate, among other things, in the prevention of many diseases. Additionally, high consumption of red meat is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, ofcolorectal cancer And of diabetes.

From an environmental point of view, intensive animal farming is responsible for a large part of greenhouse gas emissions and some soil pollution.

How to avoid deficiencies?

A plant-based diet should include balance and an dietary diversity. Nutrients such asiron, zinc and selenium present in meat are found for example in eggs, soy, lentilsTHE Chickpeas or even nuts.

This involves making room for good fats, vitamins and minerals, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index and, above all, good quality protein.

It is important to vary your intake to obtain the amino acids essential for the proper functioning of your body. Do not hesitate to supplement your meals with Whole grains Or legumesif you opt for a vegan diet.
