9 brain-boosting foods

9 brain boosting foods

It is possible to boost your brain and prevent and slow down neurodegenerative diseases by providing it with the nutrients it needs. Certain foods are particularly stimulating to the brain. Discover them!

A balanced diet plays a role in the prevention and management of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson’s And Alzheimer’s but in addition to other factors such as practicing regular physical activity‚ having social relationships and restful sleep » indicates the Dr Jérémy Girbovan neurologist in a service specializing in strokes, inflammatory diseases (multiple sclerosis) and degenerative diseases (Parkinson / Alzheimer) at the Meaux hospital and author of My Healthy Brain Tonic Recipes.*

On the same subject

This lifestyle counteracts the chronic stress that affects the cells of the hippocampus. OUR brain needs to be fed properly to function well. It is therefore necessary to bring him in particular good fatof the protein of excellent quality‚ carbohydrates but also vitaminsof the mineralsof the trace elementsof the amino acids.

Serotonin and dopamine are involved in brain function

These nutrients that the body does not know how to manufacture and that only food provides are essential for the synthesis of neurotransmitters, in particular serotonin and dopamineinvolved in the functioning of the brain teaches Dr. Girbovan.

Certain foods and nutrients are particularly beneficial for our brain because they provide these nutrients in significant quantities. These are cereals, fatty fish, fruits, vegetables, olive oil, nuts and seeds, legumes, yogurt and cheese. Focus on 9 of them among the 20 identified by Dr. Girbovan.

*Book co-written with Guillaume Marinette is an author, stylist and culinary photographer, creator of the YouTube channel Histoire de se régale Editions Leduc published on August 16, 2023.
