9/6 – International Archives Day

96 – International Archives Day

Why is International Archives Day celebrated?

International Archives Day on 9 June is a themed day that was established to draw attention to the importance and role of archives in society. The aim is to increase awareness of the archives’ activities and the importance of preserving and making available historical documents and information.

Archives play a central role in documenting and preserving cultural heritage and ensuring openness and transparency in society. International Archives Day is an opportunity to highlight the work of archives and their contribution to democracy, legal certainty and research.

How is International Archives Day celebrated on June 9?

There is no official celebration, but many archival institutions around the world choose to mark the day through various activities and events. In Sweden, some archives usually organize open houses, guided tours or lectures to showcase their activities.

The purpose is to arouse interest and spread knowledge about the archives’ work in collecting, preserving and making documents and information available.
