80 million extra for salary increases for healthcare staff in Värmland

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It is the six parties in Värmlandssamverkan that have agreed with the Left Party to postpone an additional SEK 80 million for salary increases for healthcare staff in 2023 in a budget proposal that will be presented on Tuesday.

– We are in a situation where we feel that salaries have slipped behind and that we are not competitive then it leads to this investment, says the regional board chairman Fredrik Larsson (M).

He sees the deal with the Left Party as unique.

– We see it as absolutely necessary that we make an investment, says the Left Party’s regional councilor Anna Hammar.

Thousands in salary increase

According to Anna Hammar, this could be “a few thousand kronor” in increased salary per month for, among others, nurses and assistant nurses who work in health and medical care.

Can not meet the financial requirements

Wages are part of the investments that are made in a budget that encompasses around eleven billion and that ends in a zero result – which means that the requirement for good financial management is not met.

According to Fredrik Larsson, the financial forecasts are difficult to assess and the budget may be revised later this year.

Parties agree before the election

According to Fredrik Larsson, the agreement between the parties in Värmlandssamverkan (Moderaterna, Centerpartiet, Liberalerna, Kristdemokraterna, Sjukvårdspartiet and Miljöpartiet) and Vänsterpartiet shows that before the autumn regional elections they agree on the main features of politics next year.

In the clip, Fredrik Larsson and Anna Hammar talk about the agreement to invest in higher wages.
