8 weeks of pregnancy (10 SA): how is the belly?

8 weeks of pregnancy 10 SA how is the belly

At 8 weeks of pregnancy or 10 SA, your belly is slightly swollen, and your breasts are beginning to take on volume. Baby’s brain continues to develop and his optic nerves are formed. This week, consider making an appointment for your first ultrasound.

You are soon finishing your second month of pregnancy. At 8 weeks or 10 weeks, some symptoms still persist a little like fatigue, stomach pain, nausea and even some small skin problems. Your chest also takes on more volume (it’s time to buy lingerie adapted to your new shapes). In this 8th week of pregnancy, get ready for the next ultrasound which takes place in about two weeks. For his part, the baby continues to grow: all his organs are now in place and continue to mature.

How many months and SA at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

The 8th week of pregnancy corresponds to 10 weeks of amenorrhea or 10 SA. You are in your 2nd month of pregnancy.

How does it feel at 8 weeks pregnant?

At the start of your pregnancy, you may feel particularly tired during the day, even suffer from a few small discomforts. If so, talk to your doctor or gynecologist. He will check your blood pressure and may prescribe a blood test to detect any deficiencies.

What symptoms at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

At this stage, your pregnancy is more and more visible, between small curves and generous breasts (remember to buy a suitable bra). If you are subject to nausea and other pregnancy ailments such as fatigue, still a little patience: these should subside soon. On the other hand, other small disorders can appear, such as skin problems related to hormonal surges : acne, oily or very dry skin. Another sign that may appear: a brown vertical line between the navel and the pubis. This is called the linea alba.

How is the belly at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

At 8 weeks pregnant, you can start to take some small curves. Your waist begins to widen slightly and your little belly also continues to grow slowly. Generally, the belly seems slightly swollen in the second month. To get an idea, at 8 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus is about the size of a raspberry. Do not panic if, on the contrary, your stomach seems flat to you. The changes are slower in some women, especially if it is a first pregnancy.

When to make an appointment for the first ultrasound?

The first pregnancy ultrasound takes place around the 10th week of pregnancy. Don’t wait to make an appointment with a private or hospital ultrasound. This examination is very important because it allows you to check the growth, development and vitality of the fetus. Ultrasound will also measure the baby nuchal translucency which, combined with the maternal age and the dosage of serum markers, will make it possible to establish a probability that the baby is a carrier of trisomy 21.

What is the HCG level at 8 weeks pregnant?

At 8 weeks or 10 SA, the HCG rate is on average between 25,000 and 140,000 mIU/L.

How does the fetus develop at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

Your baby’s nervous system is now almost complete. The brain continues to form and grow at full speed, making up about one-third the volume of the entire embryo. Both hemispheres are present. Inside there is intense activity: every minute, about 250,000 new neurons appear ! The optic nerves are also formed. The features of his face continue to refine and your baby is becoming more and more human in appearance. Its mouth is formed with the meeting of the lower and upper jaws. His little tongue has grown and his nostrils are appearing. Ossification, that is to say the formation of bones, continues: your baby is more and more solid. The nervous system and the spinal cord begin to structure themselves with the forming skeleton.

What is the size of the embryo?

At 8 weeks pregnant, all the organs of the embryo are formed, both digestive, pulmonary and cardiac. They are still tiny (your baby does not exceed the 3 to 4 cm for a weight of about 5 g), but they exist. They will now continue their development and become operational.

It’s time to think about a mode of care

It may seem a little premature to you to think right now about the care of your baby. However, it is never too early to make a pre-registration in nursery or go looking for the ideal nanny! Remember to compare the advantages and disadvantages of the different solutions: municipal crèche, company crèche, private crèche, childminder, home nanny, drop-in centre, etc. Ask your town hall for the details. registrations in municipal nurseriesor directly in the establishment concerned if it is a private crèche.
