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Have you ever noticed that someone close to you often talks about themselves and never misses an opportunity to do so? Do you think this is probably a self-centered person? Here are the sentences that show it, without a shadow of a doubt.
Self-centered people like to talk about themselves. Faced with this type of personality, it is difficult to bring up a trivial or unimportant subject, because the egocentric will always find the opportunity to relate an event to him. Likewise, they don’t miss an opportunity to remind you that they “were right.” Here are the sentences that show that you are dealing with an egocentric person.
Enough about you, let’s talk about me
Egocentrics love themselves so much that they don’t hesitate to bring the conversation back to themselves. And this sentence, said in a humorous tone or more seriously, demonstrates how much they need the world to revolve around them. This can be difficult to hear, however, because it shows that your experiences or your experiences don’t matter to them, these people are ultimately only interested in themselves.
I’m not selfish, I just look out for myself
At first glance, this sentence can be perceived as coming from a healthy person, who takes their needs into account. In reality, it simply serves to justify his self-centered behavior. This allows you to justify a decision taken against your interests, for example, but which will serve theirs. This can happen, but if it happens often, it shows that this person is being self-centered.
I’m just honest
Using honesty as a justification for an inappropriate comment is typical behavior of a self-centered person. They think that under the cover of this “honesty”, they can afford to say whatever they think. In reality, true honesty is about not hurting others, especially those close to you, above all else.
I do not need anyone
Self-centered people like everything to revolve around them, but rarely admit it. This is why this phrase is often said, because they want to appear independent, the opposite of how they actually feel.
I don’t have time for this
It may happen that when you need to talk, your friend is not available and postpones your discussion by explaining to you that he does not have time. On the other hand, if this excuse comes up too often, it is likely that you are dealing with an egocentric person, who believes that their time is precious and that they should not “waste” it by listening to you. It’s up to you to draw the necessary conclusions.
I already knew
This phrase is the way for an egocentric person to maintain their superiority over others, on a given subject. This can also be a way to control the conversation, by stopping what you were going to say to him. And it’s particularly unpleasant to hear.
This wouldn’t have happened if you had listened to me
Let’s admit it, this sentence stings a little, when it’s aimed at us. This indicates the superiority of the other, who had better analyzed the situation. And if we had followed his advice, the problem would not have arisen. The bottom line is that everyone makes mistakes and you shouldn’t let a self-centered person shake your self-confidence.
Good in his body, good in his head!
I’m always right
Finally, this sentence is perhaps the one that is most indicative of a self-centered person. Because she will have had difficulty admitting that she is wrong and will only admit her way of seeing things, rejecting all other points of view. However, it is by confronting our opinions that we learn. Whether you are self-centered or not.