8 Swedish celebrities who had breast surgery: “They were damn expensive”

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Carolina Gynning, Alice Stenlöf, Pow and Margaux Dietz all have something in common – in addition to the fact that they are some of Sweden’s most famous influencers at the time.

They have all been open about having operated on their breasts to make them bigger. But they are not alone. News24 have found out which other Swedish celebrities have had breast surgery.

Carolina Gynning on breast surgery: “Damn expensive”

Carolina Gynning has operated on her breasts several times over the years. Last year, Gynning talked about the latest breast surgery.

– They were damn expensive. You are satisfied with your purchase. I am satisfied, but I immediately felt that they could have been twice as big. But now it’s like this, Carolina told in her podcast “Gynning & Berg – find themselves” that she has with her friend Carina Berg44.

She did not reveal how much Carolina’s new breasts cost, but Carolina has told us that she had them done at the Academy Clinic, and there a breast augmentation costs between SEK 45,000 – 84,000.

Carolina Gynning after her latest breast surgery. Image source: Stella Pictures.Alice Stenlöf confirmed the breast surgery on Instagram

The influencer profile Alice Stenlöf has almost half a million followers on Instagram, and in addition to her YouTube vlogging and social media updates, Alice also runs the clothing brand A-DSGN.

Alice Stenlöf has told us that she does Botox on her face to relax her tense jaws. But that is not the only procedure she has done.

Alice Stenlöf before her breast surgery. Image source: Stella Pictures.

In September 2021, Alice came out and told us that she had surgery to enlarge her breasts. During a question and answer session, Alice was asked if she had surgery on her breasts.

“Yes, I have!”, Alice then answered a question about whether she had breast surgery.

Alice Stenlöf confirmed her breast surgery during a question and answer session on Instagram. Image source: Instagram/alicestenlof That’s why Bianca Ingrosso kept her breast augmentation a secret

In the fall of 2022, it was talked and talked about for a long time Bianca Ingrosso should have had breast surgery. This then in a short time looked significantly much bigger, something that her followers were quick to notice.

For weeks, Bianca’s Instagram was bombarded with questions from followers about the breast surgery, and finally Bianca came out and confirmed what followers already suspected.

In a vlog, Bianca said that the decision was something she had been thinking about for several years and not something she did spontaneously. She also told more about why she kept the procedure a secret for so long – you can read more about that here.

Bianca had her breast surgery at the Victoria Clinic in Saltsjöbaden with Dr Charles Randquist. He is also the one who does fillers in Bianca’s lips and Botox in her forehead once a year.

At the Victoria Clinic, a breast augmentation costs from SEK 65,000 to SEK 120,000, depending on what is to be done and how extensive the procedure is. A breast augmentation with body fat, for example, costs from SEK 65,000, while a breast augmentation and a major lift start at SEK 120,000. She does not say exactly which procedure Bianca did.

Bianca Ingrosso before and after her breast surgery. Image source: Stella Pictures. The picture is a montage. Paulina “Paow” Danielsson has done her breasts twice

That reality show profile Paulina “Paow” Danielsson likes to have surgery is probably no big secret.

She has, among other things, done a Brazilian butt lift, thread lift on the face and fillers in the lips, cheekbones and chin. She has also operated on her nose several times and lifted her eyes with the so-called “fox eye” technique. When Paow and former boyfriend Alexander Zobel grinded down his teeth and then put on dental crowns and it was immediately writing. In addition to that, Paow has had two breast surgeries.

Paow before and after her breast surgeries. Image source: Stella Pictures. The picture is a montage. Julia Franzén has had surgery on her breasts and nose

The host and the influencer Julia Franzen has always been open about the beauty procedures she has done.

– I’ve done a bit of everything possible, both fillers and surgery, but I feel that it’s something I stand for and like to talk openly about, so you can ask as much as you want about it, she has previously told in a question and answer session on Instagram.

Julia herself has told on Instagram that she has had surgery on her breasts and nose, but she also does fillers and Botox on a regular basis.

Julia Franzén before and after her procedures. Image source: Julia Franzén, Stella Pictures. The picture is a montage. Antonija Mandir: “I had no facking breasts”

The influencer and the Youtube profile Antonija Mandir she too has always been open to her followers regarding the beauty procedures she has chosen to do. In addition to having fillers, she has also had breast surgery.

– I wanted to do my breasts since I was 18. I had no facking breasts, said Antonija i a vlog which she recorded a year and a half after the breast augmentation.

In the vlog, she says that before the operation she was so nervous that she was about to “shit on herself”. And when she woke up after the operation, she was shocked and in a lot of pain.

Antonija says that she paid every penny of the operation herself and that there was no collaboration.

Antonija Mandir. Image Source: Stella Pictures.Felicia Aveklew: ‘I’ve paid for my lips and breasts’

The makeup artist and influencer Felicia Aveklew has also been open about her breast surgery, and her followers appreciated that Felicia was honest from the start about her procedure.

“Otherwise you go home and feel that you are not enough!” and “Personally, I think it’s best if people who have surgery are actually open about having surgery, partly so that young people don’t think that everyone is born with ‘those’ breasts or ‘that’ butt, etc” were some reactions.

Felicia Aveklew. Image source: Stella Pictures.

Felicia says that she had been thinking about breast surgery for over four years, and that it was not something she did lightly. The actual process of consultation and appointment booking took about a year.

– I have paid for my lips and my breasts. I don’t want to create any image that this is what a natural person looks like. Too often, many procedures and operations are required to achieve a certain appearance, she says in her vlog.

Margaux Dietz was forced to remove her dangerous implants

Over 10 years ago, Margaux Dietz underwent surgery to enlarge her breasts. But in January 2022, Dietz came out and said she had to have the implants removed as they were dangerous and could cause cancer.

Margaux said in the vlog that she thought about the operation for many years before carrying it out.

Margaux Dietz had implants for 10 years. Here at the Elle gala before she took out the implants. Image source: Stella Pictures.

– It was really a decision that I thought about for as long as possible. It was pretty quickly after I got some of my first paychecks that I saved up to change my breasts, she said at the time.

Removing the implants was tough for Dietz, and she was dismayed that no one had contacted her to tell her to remove the implants because they were dangerous.

– I’m actually very upset that no one has contacted me and said that I have to take them out, it feels completely sick that no one has done it. I have breastfed with them, yes you understand, said Dietz in one vlog then.
