8 psychological consultations reimbursed per year

8 psychological consultations reimbursed per year

Scheduled for April 2022, the MonPsy system allows everyone from the age of 3 to have access to a psychologist. Thanks to MonPsy, you can be entitled to eight consultation sessions fully covered by the classic health system, which are social security and complementary health.

According to the figures mentioned during the Assizes of mental health and psychiatry, 10 million French people suffer from mild to moderate mental disorders. the MyPsy device can help them, but also anyone facing mental health issues. Indeed, MonPsy allows access to the entire population aged at least 3 years to consult a psychologist for eight sessions, which will be fully supported.

In case of psychological need, the patient is invited to consult his doctor first. It is the latter who will judge the state of health of his patient and the relevance of having him integrate the MonPsy device.

The attending physician then sends a letter to the partner psychologist, who will be chosen from a list by the patient.

The patient will then make an appointment with the partner psychologist who will estimate the number of sessions necessary for the follow-up of the patient, without any possible excess fees.

Up to eight sessions supported in full

The patient will have to pay the psychologist at the end of each session: 40 euros for the initial assessment session, then up to seven follow-up sessions at 30 euros each, except in certain special cases (beneficiaries of complementary health solidarity, State Medical Aid, pregnant women from the 6th month of pregnancy, beneficiaries of an ALD or victims of an accident at work, etc.).

It will be fully reimbursed by Social Security and its complementary health insurance. During the follow-up, the patient may possibly be referred to a more appropriate care structure if the need arises (consultations with psychiatrists, in a medico-psychological center (CMP), infant-juvenile CMP, hospital services psychiatry or child psychiatry, home for adolescents, etc.).

At the end of the agreed number of sessions, the psychologist, with the agreement of his patient, can send a report to the attending physician.

Consult a therapist online

An initiative that has won over hundreds of psychologists

The government ensures that MonPsy was designed in consultation with the health professionals concerned, namely psychologists and doctors. For its part, the Ffpp continues to work with the government to improve this system and considers that it is a “major step forward” : “We want to bet that these reimbursements allow the population and the most precarious in particular, to access psychological care, and that this “first brick” is the guarantee of recognition of our profession, stemming from the human sciences. Taking into account the debates that the reimbursement scheme has sparked within the profession, the Ffpp believes that it is up to each psychologist to position themselves with discernment..

In addition, more than 500 psychologists have already applied for the scheme to improve access to psychological support for all.
