8 out of 10 consumers sleep better thanks to CBD

8 out of 10 consumers sleep better thanks to CBD

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    Reputed to be effective against anxiety, to boost libido or to help athletes recover, cannabidiol is increasingly adopted by the French to limit sleep disorders.

    Does CBD promote sleep? According to a survey by CBD brand Yogah, taking cannabidiol allows you to sleep better. In total, “8 out of 10 CBD consumers see a marked improvement in their sleep”, says the study. To achieve this, the specialists interviewed a panel of 500 adult CBD consumers in February.

    In terms of use, consumers prefer taking it in the form of oil (for 83% of respondents). For optimal use, the Toulouse brand recommends putting a few drops of oil under the tongue for one minute, about an hour before going to sleep. If science has not yet decided on its effectiveness, research is beginning to multiply. According to an American study published in January 2022 and conducted 2,704 people aged 21 or older, CBD would reduce anxiety, sleep better and improve well-being.

    CBD to reduce major sleep disorders

    86% of respondents suffer from sleep disorders, reveals the survey carried out by the CBD brand Yogah among its users. Insomnia, somnambulism or even sleep apnea disturb their rest. Poor sleep can have consequences on the quality of daily life. “95% of respondents say that these disorders spoil their daily lives”finds the study.

    “Lack of sleep disrupts balance on the physical, psychological and cognitive levels and generates undesirable and harmful side effects on quality of life and health”, can we read. After a truncated rest, “little sleepers” may notice mental fatigue, characterized by “decreased concentration, impaired alertness, lack of energy”. There may also be mood disturbances and fatigue. Poor sleep leads to “weakening of the immune system: various infections”, says the study. Finally, the metabolism may be disrupted, causing “overweight, stroke, diabetes, high blood pressure…”
