An easy way to save money is by buying food in bulk and freezing food to make it last longer. It is also common to prepare food boxes and then store them in the freezer until it is time to eat them. But how long does food last in the freezer? And can you really freeze all food?
– In general, all food can be frozen and no food will go bad, in the sense that it becomes dangerous to eat in the freezer. In the freezer, food lasts a very long time, months, years. However, there may be some quality deterioration that affects appearance, texture, taste and smell, says Emelie Elinadvisor at the Swedish Food Agency, to News24.
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How long does food last in the freezer?
Emelie Elin tells us that it is best to freeze the food as quickly as possible to maintain the quality of the food. She also advises on storing food in materials that are made for food and not freezing large amounts of food at once.
It is impossible to say how long food will last in the freezer as it varies considerably. However, by looking, smelling and tasting the food when it is heated, you can determine whether it is edible or not.
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Which food should not be frozen?
There are certain foods that don’t fit as well in the freezer. They are fine to eat even though they have been frozen, but they are not as pleasant then.
– Some foods fare worse in the freezer, such as salad where the structure can be destroyed, or certain dairy products that cut easily or fatty fish or meat, where the fat can go rancid after a while and affect the taste, for example, says Emelie Elin.
The Swedish Food Agency lists several foods that are not suitable for freezing:
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