8 Fake Survival Techniques That Can Kill You

8 Fake Survival Techniques That Can Kill You

What are the good reflexes in the face of a shark attack, when you are dying of thirst in a desert or when you have been bitten by a snake? You’ve probably read survival strategies on the Internet or watched shows that provide tips for getting by in the great outdoors. Unfortunately, some recommendations turn out to be very dangerous and can even put your life at risk.

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Night falls and you are lost in the middle of nature? No compass to get your bearings? A shark threatens you, how to react? What can be done to prevent the bivouac in the high mountains from turning into a nightmare? This kind of situation does not only happen to heroes in adventure films. Videos and more blogging are full of tips and tricks for surviving in hostile environments but don’t blindly follow any of them, some are as dangerous as the problem you are trying to solve.

Sucking venom from a snake bite

By trying to suck the venom out with your mouth, you will poison yourself or cause serious mouth sores. In addition, you risk adding bacteria extra in the wound. The use of an Aspivenin® type suction device is also of no use, specify the firefighters. In case of biteyou must remain calm and avoid any effort physical so as not to promote blood circulation. Do not touch the wound and do not try to clean it, but apply a pressure dressing to slow down the diffusion venom. Contact a poison control center or emergency room immediately.

Drink water from a cactus

In adventure films, heroes lost in the middle of the desert avoid dying of thirst by drinking water from cactus. A very bad idea. First, the cactus does not contain “free” water: if some species indeed contain up to 70% water, this is contained in the pulp, which is often very hard and fibrous. Also, cactus sap can make you seriously ill. The milky sap of plants of the euphorbia family, for example, is very acid and irritating to eyes, skin and mucous membranes. The peyote cactus (Lophophora williamsii) contains mescaline, a alkaloid which leads to hallucinationspanic attacks and vomiting.

Hit the nose of a shark that attacks you

In many films, the hero scares away a shark boxing him on the nose. Some sites even advise putting your finger in iteye (good luck aiming well!). In reality, landing a blow hard enough on the shark’s nose to knock it out is unlikely. Actively retaliating, however, is the best defense against an aggressively behaving shark. Above all, do not try to run away, play dead and do not panic by waving your arms and legs, which will stir up his excitement. Try to hit it with as much force as possible with an oar, a surfboard or whatever comes to hand. Swim slowly towards the shore always facing the shark so that it does not attack you in the back.

Follow the moss on the north face of the trees

Do not try to find north by observing the mousse on the trees or the rocks. This one tends to grow well in dark and humid places, but it can also be found in the west or in the south, sheltered in an undergrowth or in the shade of a slope. The terms of wind, sunshine and humidity vary greatly depending on the environment and the vegetation is not a reliable indicator. To find the north, the most practical is of course to have a compass. Failing that, you can use a watch with the little hand pointing up. Sun and taking the bisector of the angle formed with the 12 o’clock graduation which indicates the north-south axis.

Make a fire with two flints

Contrary to popular myth, Cro-Magnon Men did not light their fires with two flints : these stones do not produce sufficiently stable incandescent projections. Flint should be struck with a stone rich in sulfide of ironlike the pyrite or marcasite which will cause sparks. Still need to have combustible to light the embers. You can for example unearth tindera matter from a mushroom and highly flammable. Dry straw or twigs will then keep the flames going. Another technique: energetically rub two elements together wood to produce incandescent sawdust or use a magnifying glass to concentrate the light solar.

Rub your skin when you’re frozen

A frostbite occurs following prolonged exposure to cold. It leads to the formation of extracellular crystals that can damage tissues. By rubbing the frozen skin, you will increase the damage caused by these crystals and destroy new cells. In case of frostbite, the emergency is to warm up by all means: put on dry clothes, put on your feet or put on gloves, and above all stay hydrated. Once back in a safe place, warming should be gradual. Emergency services from Mont-Blanc hospitals recommend a hot bath at 38°C with the addition of a antiseptic mild (betadine), with administration ofaspirin to promote blood revascularization.

Eat snow to rehydrate

Snow contains nine times moreair than water. While eating abundant snow, so we will first get cold and suffer from diarrhea acute. On the other hand, water in the state of snow contains practically no minerals. Consuming this type of water for several weeks can modify thehomeostasis of the body, which regulates the temperature, the debit blood, the blood pressurepH or volumes body fluids. Serious health problems have thus been reported among mountaineers who had prepared their drinks with snow that did not have enoughions required. If necessary, always melt the snow (preferably boil it to eliminate bacteria) and add a pinch of salt or sachet of soup if possible.

Take shelter in a cave

A shallow cave can be a good shelter from wind and weather, provided it is not already home to a hibernating bear, a poisonous snake, a colony of bats, ants stinging, or rodents who will come to bite you during the night or devour your meager provisions. sink into a deep cave is again a very bad idea: you risk getting lost in the galleries and in the event of heavy rain, finding yourself trapped by rising water or a landslide. Also avoid taking shelter under foliage, which can attract insects or animals. In winterdig a hole in the snow: it is an excellent thermal insulator.

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