77,000 viewers on Twitch watch as a streamer tries to befriend a squirrel

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Former Overwatch pro Félix “xQc” Lengyel is currently the most watched Twitch streamer in the world. But in a March 28 stream, a small rodent stole the show.

What stream was that? xQc and Swedish streamer Hans “Forsen” Fors have a feud in sandbox long-running Minecraft: In January, xQc managed to break Forsen’s speedrun record, but on March 23, he followed up and defeated Mincecraft’s final boss, the infamous Ender Dragon, within just under 18 minutes – 2 minutes faster than xQc.

So xQc is now trying to get his title back and has been busy streaming his attempts in Minecraft for days, making him currently the most watched channel on Twitch (via sullygnome). This is pure filler, however, as the real star of the March 28th stream only appears after 13 1/2 hours.

xQc has a very special viewer

Who appeared on the stream? xQc is almost 13 1/2 hours deep in his Minecraft stream and highly focused when he suddenly gets distracted by something out of his viewers’ field of view. He just calls out, “Squirrel!”

And sure enough, on the windowsill outside his streaming room, there’s a gray squirrel, the American cousin of our native squirrels. The little rodent seems to be watching xQc attentively. The accompanying clip has been viewed over 190,000 times:

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Was that it? No, the saga of the squirrel is not over yet. Because a second clip shows the streamer’s attempt to approach the animal and offer it a cracker. With a slightly deranged facial expression, xQc appears between the plants in front of his window.

But the rodent has already taken off:

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Was there a happy ending? This is probably a matter of interpretation. Because a few minutes later, the squirrel returned, to the great delight of xQc. The little rodent couldn’t resist the cracker that was offered.

However, the streamer’s disappointment was all the greater when the squirrel just grabbed the prey and disappeared to take it to safety. But who knows, maybe the fluffy buddy will return for a second helping.

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How did that go down? The stream peaked at 77,338 viewers, who watched spellbound as xQc tried to get close to the animal. Numerous fans shared in the chat how funny they find the situation and gave tips on how the streamer should behave.

Are crackers good squirrel food? No. As funny as the clips are, human food is often not suitable for animals. The squirrel probably won’t mind the cracker too much, but it shouldn’t become a regular part of their diet.

You can find out what you should consider when feeding squirrels from the WWF.

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