7-year-old was served raw hamburger at Max

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When Daniella Jovanovics and her children were to eat at the Max restaurant in Allum in Partille, the disappointment was great. At least for the seven-year-old daughter, who got a cheeseburger with raw meat.

– Mother, there is something very strange about this burger, she said to me, Danielle Jovanovic says.

After complaining at the checkout, they got a new hamburger and the money back. But the daughter had a stomach ache later in the day and was sad.

When TV4 Nyheterna shows the picture of the raw hamburger to Max’s CEO and Deputy CEO, they regret what happened.

– That’s not how it should look, says CEO Richard Bergfors. Obviously we have failed.

In the clip above, mother Daniella talks about her daughter’s unpleasant experience.
