7 tips to reduce the calorie bill of your sandwich

7 tips to reduce the calorie bill of your sandwich

To save time in an intense day, the sandwich is often the ideal solution. But candidates for slimming tend to be wary of it because of its sometimes substantial caloric intake. However, it is possible to reconcile line and sandwiches. We explain everything to you with Angélique Houlbert, dietitian nutritionist.

Some days, an overloaded schedule imposes a quick lunch, without the possibility of settling down to have a real meal. And the most common solution remains the use of sandwiches. Classic sandwiches, in triangles or even wraps, are practical, quick and inexpensive solutions when you don’t have time to have a real lunch. But it may not be a good idea for health and for the line, warns Angélique Houlbert, dietician. Some sandwiches are nutritionally heavy and can be a colossal calorie count! Not to mention the often too high salt content. Or the fat one“.

The problem of composition remains recurrent. Wraps or sandwiches made with sandwich bread contain additives, preservatives, sulfites or emulsifiers. Or sugars or oils in large quantities. Just look at the labels to see that these are not always good products for the line or the health.

Moreover, the fillings are not of high quality: second choice ham, no vegetables, cheeses with additives, etc.

Faced with this table, can we conclude that sandwiches should be excluded from meals on the go? Not at all ! “By preparing your own sandwich, devoting a minimum of time to it, you can completely prepare a balanced, healthy and tasty meal”, emphasizes the dietitian. For this, there are a multitude of possibilities.

1-We choose a bread bought from a baker, and not an industrial sandwich loaf.

2-We avoid the white wand whose very high glycemic index promotes a rise in blood sugar, and therefore weight gain in the long term.

3-We prefer sourdough, wholemeal or multi-grain bread. The advantage of this type of bread is its texture. “It requires a chewing effort, which helps to satiate and therefore not to consume too large quantities”, says the dietitian.

4-For the sauce, we give up light butter too rich in water, ketchup stuffed with sugar, or mayonnaise, too greasy.

5-We choose a “healthy” binder: we turn to fresh cheese or even better cottage cheese seasoned with herbs or spices of your choice. You can also opt for tomato coulis, or even more original and healthy: mixed ripe avocado, or hummus provided it is homemade.

6-The garnish can be made up of vegetables : green salad, tomatoes, mushrooms, grilled vegetables such as eggplant, zucchini, etc.

7-We add a protein source to be well satiated: cold meat, charcuterie, hard-boiled egg, fish or tofu. If you want to add cheese, it is better to favor mozzarella, which is less rich in salt than most cheeses.

With such a composition, you are sure to eat a balanced diet without spending hours in the kitchen and to create an ideal meal on the go.

Thanks to Angélique Houlbert, dietitian nutritionist in Paris.

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