7 tips to help him let go of his pacifier

7 tips to help him let go of his pacifier

If it calms baby when he is small, it is better to stop the pacifier when the child reaches two or three years old so as to avoid teething problems and language disorders. How to help him to do without his pacifier? Here are a few tips !

Your child cannot do without his pacifier to fall asleep or look for her as soon as he has a big sorrow? If the pacifier has the advantage of calming baby and comforting him, a bit like his cuddly toy, it quickly becomes a habit. However, it would have to go 3 years old because orthodontists believe that beyond this age, the use, especially prolonged use of the pacifier, can cause teething problems, a deformation of the palate and sometimes even language disorders. It is therefore necessary to gradually teach your child how to do without it. How to go about help him get rid of his pacifier gently? Here are a few tips.

1 – Discuss with your “grand”

When your child is 3-4 years old and sucks the pacifier, you have to discuss it a lot and tell yourself that nothing is dramatic because it can be recovered. My best thing is to ask him: “Are you a baby? And let him answer “no”. Then, I explain to him that the pacifier is for babies, and that he doesn’t need it since he’s big…”, reveals Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, orthodontist doctor.

2 – Start by removing the pacifier at night

Often children need to fall asleep with their pacifier. So what we can do is negotiate: “ok, I’ll let you fall asleep with it, but then we take it out at night” suggests the specialist. Thus, the sucking time of the pacifier is limited.

3 – Not having several spare teats

Better to avoid walking around with 4 or 5 pacifiers in the stroller!“says Dr. Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat. Parents must also watch their behavior!

4 – Imagine a story to abandon it

All parents know it well: children love stories. Why not picture the abandonment of this pacifier so that everything goes better? Example: we take advantage of the summer holidays by the sea to go swimming in the water with Junior, dad dives in and gives it to the little fish that passed by. Thus, the child is happy to please the fish and quickly forgets, thanks to the good vacation he is going to have.

5 – Read books

Swap the traditional fairy tale before bedtime for a pacifier story that will gradually encourage him to imitate the heroes of the books by courageously abandoning his tototte adored. Follow together the tribulations of: “Nina’s pacifier” (Paperback editions), “Throw away your lollipop, Penelope” (Gallimard editions), “Goodbye pacifier! The story of the little bunny” (Chantecler editions) or “P’tit Loup wants his pacifier” (Auzou editions).

6 – Opt for an orthodontic appliance

There are also small “screen” devices that will be positioned in front of the teeth and between the gums. It’s a kind of deal: we let the child continue to use this device but the suction problem disappears!” explains Jean-Baptiste Kerbrat, orthodontist.

7- A pacifier to stop the pacifier!

Patented by Arnaud Biezanek, a prosthetist from Chartres specializing in orthodontics and father, the weaning teat called Clipp®. teaches children to get used to the pacifier. CE certified, it is, in fact, made up of a series of five collars that stack on top of each other. Little by little, the material to be sucked is reduced and the child ends up going smoothly without the pacifier after one or two months. This weaning teat is on sale on the brand website and in the future, hopes its creator, in pharmacies.
