7 symptoms that confirm a lack of vitamin D

7 symptoms that confirm a lack of vitamin D

Two out of three French people are affected by a vitamin D deficiency and no age group is spared…

Vitamin D plays an essential role in the proper functioning of our body. Considered as a hormone, its main function is to increase the concentrations of calcium and of phosphorus in the blood. She also participates in the mineralization bones, cartilage and teeth. Unfortunately, the majority of French people do not consume enough. “We think that 2 out of 3 French people are affected by a vitamin D deficiency. No age group is spared, not even children and adolescents” explains Dr. Charley Cohen, rheumatologist. Its lack leads in particular to muscle disorders and bone disorders which can cause pain.

More risks in women

Certain populations are particularly at risk of vitamin D deficiency: newborns, infants, women pregnantTHE menopausal womenpeople at tanned skin or dark and elderly people “more prone to fractures” according to the healthcare professional. THE signs The following may indicate a vitamin D deficiency:

  1. general fatigue or even depression
  2. a muscle weakness with risk of falls and therefore fracture
  3. bone pain
  4. bone fragility or even osteoporosis
  5. dry skin
  6. hair loss
  7. a drop in immune defenses

A supplementation in vitamin D can be effective for various pathologies: “It allows a better cardiovascular healthit is effective on inflammatory rheumatism as the psoriasis and the polyarthritis rheumatoid, on rickets in infants (rare in France) and on osteomalacia (defect of bone mineralization) in adults, in cases of ulcerative colitis or in cases of Crohn’s diseaseexplains Dr. Cohen. It is also believed to have effects on diabetes, age-related cognitive decline, infectious pathologies and even certain cancers, although no study has been able to confirm this for the latter. On the mental health side “She improves morale when “seasonal depression” “ continues the doctor. More broadly, vitamin D is good for our brain, it has positive effects on memory, there concentration and would increase our life expectancy.

Where to find vitamin D?

After a biology report, vitamin D supplementation can be prescribed by a healthcare professional. Dr. Cohen advises “an ampoule of vitamin D every week for 4 weeks to reach a normal level. Then, a daily or monthly maintenance treatment”. It is also possible to supplement with vitamin D naturally. It is a hormone resulting from photosynthesis, 90% of our vitamin D is produced by the skin thanks to sun, 15 to 30 minutes sun exposure of the face and forearms can meet daily needs. Vitamin D is also present infood. “You can find them in oily fish which are rich in them: herring, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, salmon and tuna. explains the expert. “In smaller quantities, we also find it in shellfishTHE mushroomsTHE Egg yolkL’lawyerTHE butterTHE cocoa and the dark chocolate. For activate vitamin D in the bodyit is important to supplement this diet with magnesium and calcium intake. “Calcium intake should preferably be through food (dairy products, water rich in calcium)” concludes our interlocutor.

Thanks to Dr. Charley Cohen, rheumatologist and author of the books “Living without pain, what joy!” published by Tredaniel and “Precious vitamin D – I prescribe it to my patients” published by Editions du Net.
