7 silent symptoms of a heart attack: How soon does a heart attack show symptoms?

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It is critical to adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of heart attack. Regular exercise, healthy eating habits, avoiding tobacco use and coping with stress can positively affect heart health. In addition, regular health check-ups and monitoring of risk factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol levels are important for early diagnosis and treatment of potential problems.

What are the causes of heart attack?

The main cause of heart attack is usually blockage of the coronary arteries. Coronary arteries are vessels that carry blood that feeds the heart. The most common cause of heart attack is blockage of the coronary arteries with fat, cholesterol and other substances called plaque. This can cause narrowing or blockage of the vessels, preventing the heart muscle from receiving enough oxygen. Plaques in the coronary arteries can break or burst over time. This can cause blood clots to form and block the vessel.

Sudden contraction or narrowing of the coronary arteries can also cause a heart attack. These artery spasms can lead to sudden and temporary interruptions in blood flow that can lead to a heart attack. Risk factors such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol levels, diabetes, obesity, smoking, sedentary lifestyle, and family history of heart disease can also increase the risk of heart attack. The causes of heart attack are often related to risk factors on heart health, and controlling these factors is important in reducing the risk of heart attack.

What are the symptoms of a heart attack?

Heart attack is a global health problem and can be combated with preventable risk factors and a conscious lifestyle. As health awareness increases throughout society and individuals take responsibility for protecting their own heart health, important steps can be taken to prevent and treat serious events such as heart attacks. A heart attack usually manifests itself with symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating and nausea. However, symptoms may differ in women and, in some cases, in the elderly. Therefore, it is vital to be aware of heart attack symptoms and seek medical help immediately. 7 silent symptoms of a heart attack may include:

  • Chest pain or tightness
  • Sudden shortness of breath
  • sudden sweating
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sudden feeling of dizziness and tendency to faint
  • Fatigue and weakness
  • Pain in neck, back and arms

These symptoms can be seen in different forms and severities in each person. However, symptoms such as chest pain, shortness of breath and sweating may indicate the risk of heart attack and immediate medical attention may be required.

How can the onset of a heart attack be detected?

The onset of a heart attack can sometimes be sudden and symptoms may differ from person to person. “What happens before a heart attack?” Symptoms such as chest pain, feeling of pressure, sweating, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting and dizziness may indicate a heart attack. Chest pain can often feel like pressure or squeezing and can sometimes radiate to the back, neck, arms or jaw area. These symptoms may differ between men and women. In some people, symptoms may be mild, while in others they may be severe and sudden. In case of suspected heart attack, symptoms should be taken seriously and medical help should be sought immediately. Early intervention is vital in minimizing the effects of a heart attack.

How soon does a heart attack show symptoms?

Heart attack symptoms can vary from person to person, and any symptoms may vary from a few minutes to several weeks in advance. In some people, symptoms begin immediately and worsen rapidly, while in others, symptoms may be milder or go unnoticed for a long time. In some cases, a person does not notice or ignore the symptoms he feels for several weeks or months.

However, some people may have symptoms such as mild and intermittent chest pain, discomfort, or mild shortness of breath for several days or weeks. These symptoms may be a warning that a heart attack may occur. However, symptoms may be different for each person, and in some cases, symptoms may begin severely and suddenly.

What are the symptoms of false heart attack?

Pseudo-heart attack, also called angina, is a condition that sometimes mimics a heart attack or resembles heart attack symptoms. In this case, although the person experiences symptoms similar to a heart attack, a real heart attack does not occur. Angina or pseudo-heart attack symptoms:

  • In cases of pseudo-heart attack, chest pain or a feeling of pressure may also occur. However, this pain may be shorter lasting or may be related to movement or stress.
  • During angina or pseudo-heart attack, a person may feel short of breath. However, this condition is usually not as severe and long-lasting as a heart attack.
  • Fatigue may also be felt in a false heart attack, but the severe and sudden feeling of fatigue seen in a real heart attack is usually not experienced.
  • Similar to a heart attack, pain in the jaw, neck or arms may be felt in a pseudo-heart attack. However, these pains may not be as intense as in a heart attack.

A pseudo-heart attack can often be triggered by situations such as physical activity or stress. These symptoms may be similar to a heart attack, but they are not a heart attack.

What should be done in case of heart attack?

It is important to call for emergency medical help if a heart attack is suspected. Call 112 or the relevant emergency health number immediately. It is vital that the ambulance arrives as soon as possible and the rapid intervention of healthcare professionals. Do not leave the person having a heart attack alone. Talk to the person, help them calm down and stay calm. Continue to monitor the person until they lose consciousness or faint.

A heart attack is an emergency and requires immediate medical attention. If you feel that the person’s condition is worsening or he loses consciousness, call for emergency help immediately and rely on professionals for medical help.
