7 essentials to slip into the birth bag

7 essentials to slip into the birth bag

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    in collaboration with

    Camille Branger (Liberal midwife)

    Medical validation:
    November 17, 2023

    Camille Branger

    Liberal midwife

    So that you don’t forget anything on the big day, find the list of essentials from our midwife, Camille Branger, to slip into your birth bag.

    What is it exactly? The birth bag is one of the essential items in your maternity suitcase. He will be the one to accompany you to the delivery room. So, it’s better not to forget anything to be as calm as possible on the day of your delivery.

    For the mother

    First of all, Camille Branger recommends choosing a small, practical bag, such as a diaper bag, to accompany you to the birthing room.

    It must be able to be separated from the large maternity suitcase, which will remain in the room“, specifies the expert.

    A water bottle

    Then, the first essential to slip into your bag is the water bottle.

    “It is essential, because the teams do not necessarily give it in the delivery room and it is important for the mother to stay hydrated”assures Camille Branger.

    A sweet drink

    The sweet drink helps give you energy and helps you stay well hydrated. It must be without pulp or gas to be accepted in the delivery room. I therefore recommend turning to cartons of apple juice or a Litpon type drink.recommends the expert.

    A pair of socks

    If the mother-to-be is cold and wants to be a little more “cocooning” in the birthing room, which, like any medical room can be cold, a pair of socks can be very useful!“, says the midwife.

    A lollipop

    Beyond its pleasant sweet flavor, the lollipop gives energy, occupies the mind and above all: it relaxes. As they say in the business “soft mouth, soft neck”. The pacifier actually helps with dilation. It is also effective before the epidural but also during“, assures Camille Branger.

    The phone charger

    It’s a real essential for your birth bag. When work becomes long, the phone charger is very useful for watching a series, putting on music, texting, etc. It allows you to feel good and occupy your mind“, underlines the expert.

    And for the baby?

    Here, the important thing is to bet on a very warm outfit, specifies the midwife, since it will be put on the newborn from the first hours of life.

    It must consist of a hat, a bodysuit, pajamas, a bra/vest, socks and a sleeping bag to be adapted according to the season. Also remember to take your complete administrative file and all the necessary papers: identity documents, family record book, etc.“, she concludes.

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