7 behaviors that can ruin a friendship

7 behaviors that can ruin a friendship

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical psychologist)

    Have you lost contact with one of your closest friends lately? This distance could be favored by one of these toxic behaviors…

    We frequently discuss love and behaviors to avoid. However, friendship also requires adjustments! Certain toxic attitudes can really harm your friendship. Here are those to absolutely avoid according to our clinical psychologist, Amélie Boukhobza.

    Friendship: a bond that is maintained

    Contrary to popular belief, friendship is not based solely on common memories or affinities. It is a connection that requires careful attention and continued effort.

    Mutual support, quality time together, respect for differences, little daily touches… are all ways to make the relationship prosper.

    Friendship needs to be maintained, and you have to take care of it! But sometimes, without even realizing it, certain behaviors can poison him. So, what are the pitfalls to avoid to preserve this precious bond? Here are the ones to know…”, reveals our expert psychologist.

    Good in his body, good in his head!

    Friendship: the 7 harmful behaviors to identify

    While we often think of geographic distance or the absence of common projects as the main threats to our friendships, many other elements can also influence them.

    Indeed, certain repeated behaviors can deteriorate the relationship and push it towards the breaking point. Here are all the ones to know… and to be wary of!

    • Selfishness.When friendship becomes one-sided, it’s the beginning of the end. Always talking about yourself, expecting the other to be available without worrying about their needs, is sure to create an imbalance. Friendship is giving and receiving, not consuming the other“, recalls Amélie Boukhobza.
    • Lack of support. The absence of support in difficult times leaves its mark. We remember absences as much as presences. Not being there when the other needs it…. A friend who does not know how to listen or make himself available, logically, ends up distancing“, underlines the expert.
    • Lies and betrayal.It may seem obvious, but the little ones lies repeated or betrayals – even slight ones – end up eroding trust. Once broken, going back is impossible….”, warns the psychologist.
    • Envy disguised as competition. “Nothing is more toxic than a friendship where we always feel in competition. Friendship is not a field of rivalry, but a space of support, where everyone grows without comparing themselves,” affirms the practitioner.
    • Lack of communication. “When we stop talking, expressing ourselves honestly, misunderstandings set in. Sometimes we let a situation fester rather than discussing it, and that’s when everything goes wrong. It’s better to clarify things beforehand. so that what is left unsaid becomes insurmountable walls”, advises the specialist.
    • Never apologize. “No one is perfect, and in every relationship, we make mistakes. But never admitting your wrongs, refusing to apologize, means not questioning yourself. You have to want to repair what you have hurt when you care about someone”, emphasizes Amélie Boukhobza.
    • Being too intrusive. “A balanced friendship respects each person’s space. Intruding into all aspects of the other’s life without their knowledge, invading their privacy or imposing a constant presence can end up stifling the relationship. Friendship must leave air to breathe”, confides the specialist in conclusion.

    Friendship: the 9 signs of a healthy relationship

    Slide: Friendship: the 9 signs of a healthy relationship
