Spider-Man is one of the most popular heroes in the Marvel universe, not only in the films, but also in the comics and games. As usual, there were several variants in the course of its history. Meinmmo introduces you to the most absurd Spider-Man variants in a list.
How was this list created? In the Marvel universe there are different variants from almost every hero and villains that come from other universes. This occasionally also leads to strange interpretations of the well -known heroes.
On this list we present 7 Spider-Man variants that are so absurd that you would never get your own film or your own series.
If your favorite variant is missing, she will be happy to write us in the comments.
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1. Spider-Ham
First appearance: Marvel Tails Starrin Peter Porker The Spectacular Spider-Ham No. 1 (1983)
Who is Spider-Ham? In contrast to what one could think, Peter Porker was originally a spider that lived in the Cartoon universe 8311. He lives with the brilliant May Porker who adopted him. She invents a hairdryer-driven hair dryer that ensures that she bites Peter and turns into a pig, with Spider-Man’s skills.
One of his greatest enemies is Ducktor Doom who wants to conquer the world with super vegetables. He regularly occurs in multiverse stories. He probably has his most famous appearance in the Spider-Verse film from 2018, in which he tried together with other variants and Miles Morales to save the multiverse (via marvel.com).
What skills does Spider-Ham have?