68,736 Ukrainian children educated in France

68736 Ukrainian children educated in France

As of March 31, 6,873 students from Ukraine have been accommodated in French schools, colleges and high schools since February 24. This March 15, Jean-Michel Blanquer and Brigitte Macron went to an elementary school in Epinay-sur-Seine to meet these students who fled the war in Ukraine.

6,873 Ukrainian students educated in France

They left everything to flee the war in ukraine, leaving behind all their belongings, and sometimes even members of their family… Having arrived in Europe, the parents and their children must now adapt to a new country, a new life, a new culture. In France as in other countries, these children still in shock are welcomed with open arms in schools. As of March 31, there are 6873 to be educated in schools, colleges and high schools French since February 24, according to the Ministry of National Education. 43% of these children are in elementary schools, 30% in colleges, 19% in kindergarten and 8% in high schools. The establishments in the towns of Nice, with 674 children, Versailles (587 children), Grenoble (432 children), Lyon (368 children) and the department of Normandy (368 children) receive the greatest number of children. Ukrainian pupils.

Reception of Ukrainian children in French schools © Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

We are organized for this reception with crisis cells in each rectorate of France“, had indicated Jean-Michel Blanquer this March 15 during a visit to the elementary school Jean-Jacques Rousseau in Épinay-sur-Seine (in Seine-Saint-Denis), in the company of the First lady Brigitte Macron. Also , to enable Ukrainian students to integrate smoothly and their classmates to understand them better, teachers have access to educational resources to address the situation in Ukraine in the classroom.

How are Ukrainian pupils integrated into school?

Also, to allow Ukrainian students to integrate smoothly and their classmates to understand them better, teachers have access to educational resources to address the situation in Ukraine in the classroom. During this visit and through an interpreter, two Ukrainian pupils aged 8 to 10 said that they were “happy to be in this school” and to be able to “play football with the other children”. of their age. “We have a welcome experience in the languages ​​of the children, in this case in Ukrainian, to know where they are, what is their level, how to welcome them psychologically”, added Minister of National Education, who recalls “the importance of preserving children as much as possible from the harshness” of the war in Ukraine. Brigitte Macron had meanwhile stressed that children were “welcome” in France. “The French will welcome them as they always do, with their hearts (…) We explained to them why, and how much we were with them” declared the wife of the President.
