66 percent of the public want to ban anonymous accounts

A clear majority of the Swedish people think that it should be forbidden for political parties to use anonymous accounts in social media.
This shows a survey from Verian that TV4 commissioned.
– I think so. For us to stand for what we think and stand for our opinions and that also applies
the politicians, says Anneli Lindh Piccolo in Gothenburg.

A clear majority of the public, 77 percent, thinks it is wrong for parties to use anonymous accounts on social media without the connection to the party being apparent, shows a survey carried out by Verian on behalf of TV4.

The investigation was carried out after Kalla fakta’s revelation about the Sweden Democrats’ secret troll accounts on social media.

– No, I don’t think it’s a good thing. You shouldn’t keep anything secret – especially not politicians and political parties, says Gothenburg resident Sonny Olerius.

Younger people between the ages of 18 and 29 think, according to the survey, that it is wrong to a lesser extent. There it is 70 percent – compared to the group from the 65-79 age group where the percentage is 82 percent. And it also differs between the sexes. 85 percent of women compared to 70 percent among men think it is wrong.

Is for a ban

In addition, 66 percent believe that it should be completely prohibited for political parties to use anonymous accounts in social media without the connection to the party being apparent.

– I think so. For us to stand for what we think and stand for our opinions and that also applies
the politicians. So absolutely yes, says Anneli Lindh Piccolo in Gothenburg.

20 percent of those questioned are against a ban, while 14 percent say they don’t know.

– I think you should try to ban as little as possible, but I don’t know what the best way would be to go. But yes… Maybe, says Emelie Söderhielm from Gothenburg.

Among the Riksdag parties, 86 percent of the opposition, i.e. the Social Democrats, the Left Party, the Green Party and the Center Party, want a ban. Of the governing parties, it is 59 percent, while the Sweden Democrats, which the discussion has been about recently, are lowest in the survey. There, 29 percent want to ban parties from using anonymous accounts.

Undercover in the troll factory

The Sweden Democrats have denied the information about a troll factory. Cold facts go undercover and reveal what is happening inside the party.
