62% of French people prefer to live shorter but richer lives rather than poor and old lives

62 of French people prefer to live shorter but richer

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    A study by the social investment app Goliaths reveals that the French prefer wealth to intelligence, and love to money. And you?

    Being rich and young or old and poor: for the French, it’s all seen! The latter largely prefer to live less long but rich rather than poor and old, reveals a new study conducted by the social investment application Goliaths.

    The French prefer to have money

    For this study, conducted among a representative sample of 2,165 adults residing in France, researchers looked at questions related to wealth and life choices.

    A survey was conducted online and another was sent by email to participants. Their responses were then compiled and weighted, in order to obtain data representative of the French population.

    Result? Unsurprisingly, the French like to have a well-filled bank account.

    They are thus 62% at “prefer to live shorter but richer lives rather than poor and old.” They are even almost 73% to prefer “live rich and stupid rather than poor and intelligent“.

    A marked interest in wealth, but not at any price: 57% of them still prefer to live in good health, but poor. Well-being is therefore a major element that is less easily purchased than the rest.

    Love also seems to strongly influence their choices. According to the results, 58% of French people prefer to live poor but as a couple, rather than being rich and alone. Money is therefore not their only goal in life.

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!

    Friendship and popularity come far behind money

    While love is more important than money, friendship or popularity are not. In fact, more than 67% of respondents would be willing to be rich and hated by others rather than poor and loved.

    On the other hand, on the difficult question of life and death, the French are coming alive.

    96% of French people prefer to stay alive by giving all their money away rather than die to keep it“, the study concludes.

    A great state of mind!
