6 years after release, catching in Pokémon GO just takes too long

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In Pokémon GO, most trainers want one thing above all: catch as many Pokémon as possible. But the catch function is now being criticized in the reddit community. We at MeinMMO have looked at what this is all about and will show you.

Which function is it? Arguably the most important part of Pokémon GO is catching Pokémon. Especially when you’re on the road, you can encounter numerous monsters, which of course you don’t want to let escape.

With the new adventure smoke, which brings you special spawns for 15 minutes every day when you move, Niantic gives you an additional incentive to go outside and hunt Pokémon.

But the catch function is causing a lot of conversation in the reddit community. The reason for this is the speed when catching. We show you what it’s all about.

Criticism of the catch system – “Catching Pokemon takes too long”

What is the reason for the criticism? Just like many others, the reddit user Steampunk Blooper tries to catch as many monsters as possible in Pokémon GO and dust off dazzling specimens. However, as he explains in his reddit post, he’s not particularly happy with the speed of catching (via reddit.com).

The main reason for this is the numerous animations that Niantic has built into the catch mode. According to Steampunk Blooper’s calculation, a normal catch, in which the monster stays in the ball with the first throw, takes a full 20 seconds from encounter to return to the map.

This clearly takes too long for the reddit user. In his opinion, the numerous animations, such as a wobbling ball or the displayed texts, could be omitted in order to drastically reduce the time.

Because in the end it doesn’t stop with the measured 20 seconds. As soon as a Pokémon dodges the ball or jumps out again, the catching process takes a few seconds longer. There are also times when you choose a berry and feed it or choose another ball.

Why is speed so important? The fact that the catch process is artificially lengthened by the numerous animations can be annoying, especially if you have just lit an adventure smoke.

In this case, exclusive Pokémon appear about every 30 seconds, provided you move. With a bit of luck, you can even encounter the rare but powerful legendary Galar birds. However, if you catch the previous monster for too long, you may miss the next Pokémon.

Standing still to catch isn’t a good option either, as it also affects your spawns. You won’t see any other monsters for the moment, but you’ll get fewer Pokémon overall the entire time.

But even if a lot of monsters spawn in one place or you’re traveling with a normal smoke, the long waiting times can get annoying. Especially when you have to pause in places to click and catch all the monsters.

“The ball animation is literally a waste of time”

What are other coaches saying? As you can see from the comments below the reddit post, Steampunk-Blooper is not alone in this view. Because others also find the animations in the catch mask, but also in other parts of the game, simply unnecessary and wish for corresponding changes.

For some, however, the time taken and the use of different items to catch a monster is not in relation to what you ultimately get for it. Because the Pokemon you get are often not as strong as you would have hoped given the difficulty of catching them. Here’s what you can read on reddit:

  • housevil: “The fun part is that it immediately determines if something has been caught or not. The shaky ball animation is literally a waste of time.”
  • SamR1301: “A lot of things in POGO are superfluous gimmicks. Open gifts, delete items, check stats, send gifts, give hearts to your buddy…”
  • Numerous-Employment1: “What really kills me is when I have to hit some random (non-raid) monsters with multiple excellent curveballs just to get one with 1/1/1 IV.”
  • elgiesmelgie: “A Heiteira cost me 30 hyperballs, 2 golden raspberries and mostly good throws. It was a 1 star. I called it ‘jerkface’ out of anger.”
  • You should keep this in mind with the adventure smoke: Since the long time to catch affects your success, especially with the adventure smoke, once you have activated it, it is best to only catch monsters that come out of this smoke.

    But reddit user ThePostManEST doesn’t want to miss his chance for a special Galar bird and even goes one step further (via reddit.com): “Honestly, if I use the daily smoke, I don’t do it Trouble catching something that is not rare. The chance is so low that I’ll miss a Legendary Galar Bird should it spawn.”

    What can be done about the slow catch?

    The quick catch trick: In order to avoid the long waiting times caused by animations after catching, some trainers recommend the so-called “quick catch trick” in the comments. This trick has been in the game for a while, and it allows you to exit the catch mask after throwing at the given Pokémon.

    This saves you the annoying animation. If you hit the monster with your ball and it stayed inside, it will automatically be added to your PokéBag. On the other hand, if the monster has escaped but does not flee, it will continue to appear on the map. You can then simply click on it again and start another catch attempt.

    In our guide, we explain exactly how the quick catch trick works:

    Pokémon GO: 7 tips on how to catch Pokémon quickly and effectively in 2020

    Criticism of the quick catch trick: For steampunk bloopers, however, the quick-catch trick is not the solution to this problem. In his post, he makes it clear that while he knows the trick, he thinks there should be official ways to speed up catching. This is how he writes:

    I now know what quick catch is, and while it’s definitely helpful for speeding up gameplay, it shouldn’t be seen as a permanent fix. It’s not a feature regardless of how long it’s been in the game, and the possibility of exploiting a bug doesn’t mean the capture system can’t be improved in real, intended ways. If anything, the fact that people rely on it only underscores how problematic the long fishing times are.

    Steampunk Blooper (via reddit.com)

    Whether Niantic will address this issue and create solutions to speed up catching remains to be seen for the moment. However, other areas are also affected by annoying animations, such as gift opening or egg hatching. This has already been addressed in Pokémon GO, which is why you can now open eggs faster.

    How do you find the speed when catching? Do you also have the problem that other monsters escape you because the animations took too long before? And do you use the quick catch trick? Feel free to write us your opinion here on MeinMMO in the comments and exchange ideas with other trainers.

    In a few days the Season of GO is coming to an end and the new season is upon us. A find of the Pokéminers gives clues as to which legendary Pokémon it could then be about.
