6 tips for (finally) sleeping well together

6 tips for finally sleeping well together

Sleeping together is not always easy. You have to find the right position, temperature and bedtime that suits both of you, don’t pull the duvet (too much)… So to sleep well as a couple, here are the 6 key tips from our sleep experts.

50% of French people sleep as a coupleestimates theNational Institute of Sleep and Vigilance (INSV). Among them41% would prefer to sleep alonefor the sake of comfort or incompatibility schedules with their spouse. If “co-sleeping” (sleeping together) allows the other to detect possible sleep disorders (sleep apnea, etc.), the sharing the bed can also have disadvantages (snoring, nocturnal awakenings, sudden movements…) and requires adjustments and compromises to harmonize your sleep rhythm and respect everyone’s needs. Position, temperature, bedtime... Here are 6 tips from our experts for getting quality sleep while sleeping together.

1. Sleeping in the spoon position

The best position for sleeping together is the same as sleeping alone.immediately indicates Charlène Chéron, chiropractor. The ideal is to sleep two on the same sideeven in spoon (one against the other in the same directionsee picture below) because it is a particularly ergonomic position for the body: it relieves tension and rests the spine“. It’s also abouta comforting position, which promotes sleep. “Avoid placing the entire arm under the pillow because it can promote tension, tingling and stiffness in the shoulder. Instead, we recommend keeping one arm alongside your body.or slightly bent, and the other bent, possibly with your hand under the pillow if you feel more comfortable“.

Spoon position to sleep well together © Pixel-Shot – stock.adobe.com

2. Do not (necessarily) go to bed at the same time

It is important not to model your bedtime sleep to that of your partner because we have neither the same needs, nor the same biological clock, nor the same circadian cycles, and this can create either a sleep deficit (if we fight against fatigue to stay awake), or frustration (if you go to bed before the first signs of fatigue). Of course, if the needs and ideal bedtime of the two are roughly the same, we can try to harmonize to go to bed at the same time“, specifies Dr. Marc Rey, neurologist and President of the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance. The ideal is therefore to go to bed at the first sleep signals. (yawning, heavy eyelids, itchy eyes…) but not before at the risk of not being able to fall asleep and get nervous in bed. Likewise, it is advisable to set two different alarm clocks. After a while, the first ring will usually not be heard by the person who gets up later. Also, it is important to keep a limited time in bed to preserve the association: bed = sleep. “If you’re not sleeping get out of bed“, advises the sleep specialist.

3. Do not fall asleep entwined

Avoid falling asleep entwined or with your legs intertwined: you risk compressing your limbs, creating stiffness, pain and tingling. Alone or in pairs, make sure to change sides regularly to rest the whole body“, recommends our chiropractor.

4. Set the temperature not too hot in the room!

Are you familiar with the concept of “thermo-compatibility“? It’s just being compatible in terms of your preferences for the temperature of the room. And it’s not always easy to agree. Some people like to sleep in a very cool environment, others warmer. Here again, compromises will have to be found so that everyone finds their benefit.Ademe (Ecological Transition Agency) recommends a temperature of 17-19°C in the bedrooms for optimal sleep.

5. Choose a wider bed

There is no secret. The more space we have, the more freedom we have in our movements. at night and the better we sleep. So do not hesitate to choose for a bed wider than the standard size (a bed of‘1m60 (Queen Size) or 1m80 (King Size) for example, instead of the traditional 1m40) or twin beds that are glued together (in this way, you can choose the level of firmness of the mattress according to your preferences) or opt for two duvets to be able to be a little more independent at night and regulate your body temperature (which plays a crucial role in the quality of sleep) more easily. To have two single duvets instead of one large one is also super widespread in the Nordic countries (Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland…), one of the principles of hygge.

6. Stop snoring

Your partner snores and it prevents you from sleeping well? It is absolutely necessary to talk to him about it so that he can find a solution to stop snoring. “Sleeping on your side frees up the back of your throat and sleeping slightly elevated prevents sagging tissue in the pharynx“, indicates our sleep specialist. If the snoring persists, the doctor may suggest nasal sprays and nose washes in the event of nasal obstruction or the installation ofa mandibular advancement orthosis (gutters) to advance the tongue and the soft palate and unclog the airways to reduce vibrations.

Thanks to Dr. Marc Rey, neurologist and President of the National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance (INSV) and to Charlène Chéron, chiropractor.


– 17th Sleep Day “Sleeping alone or not: what impact on sleep?”, National Institute of Sleep and Vigilance.

– How to warm yourself better, ADEME

– Sleeping alone or in pairs, what impact on sleep: Cenas, sleep medicine center in Geneva
