6 recipes for (slightly) lighter kings’ galettes

6 recipes for slightly lighter kings galettes

If you’ve decided to make your own pancake or crown of kings to celebrate Epiphany on January 6, here’s how to lighten up (a little) those calorie bombs.

This Thursday, January 6, it’s time for the galette des rois (or the crown if you live in the South). If the traditional frangipane pancake remains the favorite of the French, many variations exist depending on the region. Filled with apple, brioche, orange blossom, pears and chocolate, dried fruits …

On the same subject

But does the galette des rois really make you fat? We’re not going to lie to each other, a portion of pancakes (and we won’t tell you anything about individual pancakes) covers more than 25% of the daily calories recommended for a woman, between 1800 and 2000 kcal, and 23% for men, with a recommendation of 2200 to 2500 kcal daily. However, consumed in moderation, associated with a healthy and balanced diet, as well as an adapted physical activity, the galette des rois will not increase the number indicated on your scale.

How to savor the galette des rois without excess?

With two puff pastry, almond powder, eggs, sugar and butter, the galette des rois provides the equivalent of 2 to 3 tablespoons of fat per serving. Do not deprive yourself, but apply a few tips to limit calories.

  • The simplest solution: to avoid any frustration, opt for half a part : this will allow you to reduce your energy intake by around 200 calories!
  • Second option: a lighter pancake. The pancake without frangipane contains 100 kcal less per 100 gram serving. Fruit pancakes and brioche crowns reduce each serving by 200 calories.
  • A homemade preparation also allows you to control the sugar and fat levels in your recipe, for a more digestible version. You can for example replace the butter with plain yogurt.

On D-day, try to limit the accumulation of calories by eating a slightly lighter meal before the Epiphany snack. And in the evening, prepare a homemade soup with seasonal vegetables.

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