6 natural remedies to relieve conjunctivitis

6 natural remedies to relieve conjunctivitis

Several natural remedies used in eye washes or compresses can help relieve the symptoms of conjunctivitis (viral, bacterial or allergic), even in babies. Here are 6 solutions and their precautions for use.

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that covers the eyeball. It can be of viral, bacterial, allergic or irritative origin. To relieve the typical symptoms of conjunctivitis (redness, itching, tingling, discharge from the eye, etc.), natural remedies can help. But beware, “it is necessary to consult a specialist first before considering self-treatment” advises Amélie Mounier, naturopath.

1. Blueberry, anti-inflammatory

The blueberry is a herbaceous plant (from its botanical name Centaurea cyanus) which has properties astringent effective in eye wash to fight conjunctivitis. “It tightens the tissues and restores tone to the mucous membranes, says the naturopath. It’s here eye plant par excellence. It has an anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic and antioxidant action for the protection of tissues. Applied externally, it reduces inflammation and decongests the eye”. recommends Amélie Mounier.

► Preparation in decoction according to the naturopath: 1 tablespoon of plant for the equivalent of 1 bowl of water. Put the plant in cold water and bring to a boil. Boil 5 mins. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes off the heat. Filter with a gauze (there should be no residue, at the risk of accentuating the inflammation if it enters the eye). Leave to cool and when the preparation is lukewarm, soak a sterile compress and apply it to the closed eye, leaving it on for 10 minutes or clean the eye by taking an eye bath. It is also possible to use a blueberry hydrosol (keep in the fridge for no more than 15 days, otherwise it may cause eye irritation).

2. Roman chamomile, reduces inflammation

This herbaceous with yellow and white flowers, also called partonelle or golden pyrethrum (Tanacetum parthenium) is known to fight against migraines. It is much less so to reduce the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis. “It reduces inflammation in the eyelids and mucous membranes”, explains the naturopath.

► In external application according to the naturopath: use the plant in decoction for a local application or eye bath, at the rate of 1 tablespoon of plant for the equivalent of 1 bowl of water: Put the plant in cold water and bring to a boil . Boil 2-3 mins. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes off the heat. Filter with a gauze (there should be no residue, at the risk of accentuating the inflammation if it enters the eye). Leave to cool and when the preparation is lukewarm, soak a sterile compress and apply it to the closed eye leaving on for 10 minutes, or clean the eye by bathing the eye. It is possible to replace this preparation with the hydrolat, ready-made 100% pure, without preservatives.

3. Desmodium, ideal for allergic conjunctivitis

“The inflammation of the eye and the allergic problems can be the result of an engorgement of the liver which has trouble managing certain toxins, which go back into circulation in the blood and can reach the ocular sphere, explains the naturopath. Desmodium being hepato-protective, it will support the liver to allow it to regenerate. And its role as an inhibitor of the action of histamine is particularly interesting in the case of allergic conjunctivitis.”

► To be taken in capsule, herbal tea or mother tincture: do a cure over 21 days in addition to external care. In addition : the liver is an organ that works better with heat, “applying a hot water bottle in the evening can already help relieve congestion”.

4. Bilberry buds, against dry eyes

Gemmotherapy is the use of buds whose properties would be superior to those of the various parts of the mature plant. “The use of gemmotherapy can help reduce inflammation with rapid results, believes Amélie Mounier. Bilberry buds are recommended for conjunctivitis and dry eyes. For the dosage, refer to the indications on the box or ask for advice when buying. They are not recommended for pregnant, breastfeeding women and in cases of hormone-dependent cancer.

5. Homeopathy, to relieve watery eyes

Eye redness caused by inflammation of the conjunctiva is reduced by taking eyebright: Euphrasia officinalis in 5 CH. Dr. Jean-Louis Masson, physician and homeopath, recommends ” the taking of 5 pellets every hour at the beginning of inflammation “. “Then to target two of the following remedies closest to the visible and felt symptoms. The dosage is 3 granules per day of the two remedies”, adds Dr. Dominique-Jean Sayous, homeopathic doctor.

  • Aconitum napellus 5 CH in case of conjunctivitis occurring after a cold snap.
  • Belladonna 5CH in case of pain with very red eyes, sensitive to light.
  • Arnica 5 CH after trauma.
  • Mercurius solubilis 5 CH in case of presence of pus.
  • Allium cepa 7 CH in case of non-irritating tearing.
  • Euphrasia 7 CH in case of irritating tearing.
  • Pulsatilla 7 CH if the eyelids are stuck together and irritated.
  • Arsenicum album 7 CH if conjunctivitis is accompanied by allergic rhinitis.
  • Lung histamine 9 CH in case of allergic conjunctivitis.

“Finally, local treatment with a eye drops containing Calendula officinalis is an essential supplement, to be obtained in pharmacies”, advises Dr. Masson. However, if the symptoms persist, it is necessary to go to a consultation.

6. Chamomile hydrosol (for the baby)

For babies and young children, it is a question of developing a gentle formula allowing the eyelids to be lifted gently – in the event that they are stuck together by secretions – and to sanitize the area while soothing the discomfort. “Clean and lay compresses 2 to 3 times a day soaked in chamomile hydrosol. Keep the bottle cool and apply it rather lukewarm: heat the necessary dose in a saucepan (in a bain-marie) but not in the microwave” recommends the naturopath.

Tips to cure bacterial conjunctivitis naturally

“Apply locally a compress (as described in the above paragraph on natural remedies for the baby) and clean his eyes 2 to 3 times a day. Decrease according to improvements. Do not forget to wash your hands well, do not rub your eyes and if after 5 days the conjunctivitis persists consult a doctor, recommends the naturopath. In addition :

  • limit pro-inflammatory foods and acidifying the time of the crisis (i.e. processed, industrial products, trans fats, oils rich in omega 6 – sunflower, sesame, soy -, refined sugars, dairy products, proteins including red meat) and gluten.
  • provide more sources of omega 3 for their anti-inflammatory properties – available in vegetable oil of flax, camelina, rapeseed, cod liver oil, small fish such as sardines or organic mackerel, seeds of crushed flax…
  • eat more vegetables and fruits for their vitamin intake and their antioxidant properties.

Tips for treating allergic conjunctivitis naturally

Marie-Antoinette Mulot, renowned herbalist, suggests making her lotion by adding 25 g of plantain leaves, 25 g of blueberry flowers, 50 g of eyebright, to put 1 tablespoon per 100 g of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 30 minutes, filter and wash your eyes. Repeat several times a day. The lotion does not keep for more than 24 hours. In addition to local applications, you can:

  • test gemmotherapy with blackcurrant bud which is a powerful anti-inflammatory (be careful not to take in case of hypertension).
  • support the liver with desmodium (as described at the beginning of the article).
  • focus on anti-inflammatory foods.
  • Always seek the advice of a health expert and do not prescribe yourself.” advise the naturopath.

Thanks to Amélie Mounier, FENA certified naturopath, in Vincennes and Dr Dominique-Jean Sayous, homeopathic doctor.
