6 good reasons to garden with your children

6 good reasons to garden with your children

Gardening allows the child to discover nature and learn how plants grow. But not only ! Here is what this manual and outdoor activity can bring them.

If you think having a green thumb isn’t for everyone, think again! You just have to take an interest in nature and adopt the right gestures. Moreover, there is no age for understand how plants grow and more and morechildren learn to garden. If you have a garden, this activity is ideal to occupy them and especially to introduce them to nature. In addition, the arrival of sunny days is a perfect time to make children want to put their little hands in the ground, by creating their own vegetable garden. Here are the good reasons to garden with children:

1 – Gardening with your child to teach him patience

Growing fruits, flowers, or vegetables does not happen overnight. Your child will have to learn to wait patiently, day after day, before obtaining a visible result. Until then, he will have to water his plant regularly and take care of it with love. A good way also to empower him (without him, the plant may not survive). Depending on its age, however, choose plants that are easy to maintain.

2 – Share moments of complicity with the family

Teach your child to observe nature and small animals that populate our gardens, to plant seeds and water them, to dig, to prune, to weed… it is also to share together memorable moments of complicity. Grandparents are also welcome to pass on their passion and knowledge to their grandchildren.

3 – Make him proud and value him

After planting a few seeds in the ground, young and old like to pour water with their little watering can… And what satisfaction for them to see their plant grow over the days, or to taste the fruit they have put so much time to grow… For your part, you will have helped to make him proud and will be able to savor this moment when he will be amazed to finally be able to reap the fruits of his labor.

4 – Offer him an educational activity

Gardening is a good alternative to get young and old off tablets and video games, which often make them addicted. And when the weather is nice, it’s best to see them playing outside. In addition, gardening allows the child to learn how the life cycle of plants works, in a playful way.

5 – Teach him to eat healthy

Your child has just planted his seeds in the garden and he has something to be proud of. To make him want to wait until he gets fruits or vegetables, pick together some aromatic herbs or other foods that you have already grown. Thus, he will see what the seed will yield, after a few weeks. Show him how to clean and cook these freshly picked products, to enjoy them proudly with your family. A good way to teach him to eat a balanced diet, and to make him want to eat vegetables.

6 – Awaken your curiosity

Take advantage of family weekends or holidays to stroll through the botanical gardens or parks. Arouse his curiosity by observing the diversity of flowers and plants with him. Offer to take photos of the ones he finds beautiful and play the guessing game! For example, will he be able to recognize the varieties of flowers that you have planted together in your garden?
