6 essential oils to (finally) sleep well

6 essential oils to finally sleep well

The essential oils recommended to promote good sleep have the particularity of playing on the relaxation of the sympathetic nervous system and on the rebalancing of the parasympathetic nervous system. They are calming, sedative and/or rebalancing.

1. Lavender essential oil

By its properties calming, sedating and hypotensive, lavender is also a good muscle relaxant. “Lavender is thus conducive to prepare for the sleep phase, reduce tension and facilitate sleep“, notes Diane Briol Roque, naturopath. It can be used in the depositing on the pillowcase : “a few drops are enough“or as an infusion, one drop mixed with hot water and honey or a linden tea, for example, to drink before bedtime.”It can also be applied pure on the wrists and the plexus to relax the nervous system“, she adds. There is no contraindication and precaution for use of this essential oil (HE) which can be used pure in adults and children a few times a day.

2. Clam marjoram essential oil

Shell marjoram has properties tranquilizers and so effects parasympathicotonics. It will affect the parasympathetic nervous system and help the person relax“, she points out. It can be used in different forms, several times a day: in pure application on the wrists, the plexus and under the soles of the feet, in infusion or diffusion and on the pillow. Marjoram with shells can also be found in the form of capsules, prepared in pharmacies, with dosages predefined by a therapist according to the attention of the catch.“, she insists.

“The essential oil must please”

3. Petitgrain bitter orange essential oil

It is an essential oil antispasmodic which will be interesting to prepare the sleep for its rebalancing properties at the level of the nervous system. “Bigarade petitgrain will have an interesting impactt in case of depression, sadness : it will have an interesting action when you want to be supported and comforted. Its use will be done in a similar way to other HE: application, diffusion or infusion. He can be used in cooking. You can put a few drops, for example, in pancakes or make a chocolate mousse with a petitgrain flavor, for example“, she adds. This consumption is to be preferred in the evening to prepare for sleep.

4. Roman chamomile essential oil

Roman chamomile is antispasmodic. It will have the properties of calm the emotions and in particular in the event of nervous and/or emotional shock. Its use will be done in a similar way to other HE: application, diffusion or infusion. One can for example the breathe deeply from the open bottle, just before sleepinglight off.

5. Red mandarin essential oil

The scent of the orange tree relaxes. Prioritize essential oils red and orange tangerine for their anxiolytic effects. They will help you relax and sleep better.

6. Ylang-ylang essential oil

Antispasmodic and sedative, the essential oil ofylang-ylang can help you relax and get to sleep. Especially “by its enveloping, warm and reassuring scent”. Do not hesitate to breathe it straight from the bottle or pour a few drops on a dedicated support, placed next to your bed.

Which essential oils when you have nightmares?

For nightmares and fears, red tangerine is a very good ally. It helps in particular to contain panic and/or anxiety attacks. You can also use all the essential oils mentioned above: lavender, shell marjoram, petitgrain… “since the nightmare is often linked to an exacerbated nervous system”. Finally, thehelichrysum is also very effective on sleep but only in adults in the context of emotional wounds.

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What synergies of essential oils to sleep well?

Synergies between essential oils can be achieved: “You can use two or three at the same time. The nervous system having a great affinity with the sense of smell, the essential oil must please the person. We avoid using citrus fruits if the person does not like them“, she insists. We will therefore target depending on the person’s olfactory memory : you can mix lavender and petigrain, mandarin and ylang-ylang, marjoram and chamomile or marjoram and lavender. “You have to try to see what people feel with these HE“. All these EOs are compatible with each other.

Thanks to Diane Briol Roque, naturopath.
