6 essential oils to always have with you (even on vacation)

6 essential oils to always have with you even on

Ideal for treating the minor ailments of daily life, essential oils have their place in the holiday pharmacy. Simple to use, they will be able to relieve all the sores of the summer.

The Tea tree (or tea-tree): the anti-infective

The tea tree is more commonly called tea tree. Always used by Aborigines against colds and other infections, its leaves contain alpha-terpineol and terpinene, two powerful antibacterial and antifungal agents.

On the same subject

Appreciated against mycoses and other fungi, a 2006 Italian study even showed that tea tree essential oil (EO) was more effective than allopathic antifungals. It is also recommended to fight against bacterial proliferation in moderate acne, seborrheic dermatitis and canker sores. Finally, it is appreciated for protecting the skin after radiotherapy, by reducing the secretion of interleukins, pro-inflammatory molecules. Result: less risk of burns and more supple skin.

>> How to use tea tree EO?

  • To prevent a wound from becoming infected, pour 1 to 2 drops of HE in a large aloe vera nut and apply 3 times a day for 2 to 3 days. You can add 1 drop of essential oil of lavender for its antiseptic properties.
  • against acne, dilute 75 drops of tea tree HE in 50 ml of jojoba oil, and apply a few drops in the evening after cleansing the skin, like a serum. You can also apply it pure directly to a pimple to dry it out.
  • In case of nail fungus, pour 1 pure drop of HE on the area and massage. Alternative: pour 5 drops of HE into your nail polish.
  • Against canker sores or periodontitis, nothing like a drop of HE on toothpaste to kill bacteria (once a day). Another solution: a tablespoon of pure tea tree hydrosol as a gargle.

Italian helichrysum: against knocks and bumps

Rich in italidiones, Italian helichrysum HE improves blood circulation, which reduces stasis and helps reduce bruises or edema.

It is also appreciated in case of varicosities or against Raynaud’s disease, provided it is sufficiently dosed in neryl acetate (an ester). For this, choose a French essential oil, from Corsica in particular, which has a good content of this ester.

Another advantage: its soothing properties against dark thoughts in the event of psychological shock. This essential oil dispels the “soul bruises”, by deactivating the traumas at the level of the limbic system (the place of emotions and memories).

>> How to use Italian helichrysum EO?

  • Against blows, bruises and bumpsquickly apply 1 to 2 pure drops on the painful area to facilitate the resorption of the swelling and reduce the pain.
  • In case of sprain, to limit swelling, apply 1 to 2 drops of pure HE. You can also dilute 2 drops with 2 drops of wintergreen or lemon eucalyptus EO in 10 ml of calop ylle inophyl vegetable oil. Apply 3 times a day, for 3 days.
  • Against rosacea, varicositieskeloid scars, or symptoms related to Raynaud’s disease, massage the area with 1 to 2 drops pure or diluted in a day cream or in a teaspoon of vegetable oil of calophylla inophylle or arnica, before bedtime.
  • To fight wrinkles, mix 20 drops of HE in 30 ml of face cream, possibly adding 2 drops of HE of Damask rose or bigarade neroli. Use daily, morning and/or evening.

Peppermint: against difficult digestion and headaches

Undisputed star for difficult digestions, peppermint essential oil has also demonstrated its effectiveness in relieving nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Its richness in menthol, an alcohol with a vasoconstrictor action, also helps to fight against headaches and other pains, by exciting cold receptors and simulating cooling with antalgic effect. Finally, it helps to fight itching and bad breath.

>> How to use peppermint essential oil?

  • Against difficult digestion and bad breath, mix 1 drop of peppermint HE with 1 drop of lemon HE and 1 drop of exotic basil HE in a teaspoon of hazelnut vegetable oil. Swallow before meals, 1 to 2 times a day.
  • Against headaches, pour 1 pure drop of HE on the fingertips and massage the temples, forehead and neck, avoiding the eye area. Renew 2 to 3 times a day if necessary.
  • Against neuralgic pain (sciatica type…), apply 1 to 2 drops of peppermint EO with 1 drop of wintergreen EO diluted in 10 drops of calo ph yl le in op hyle vegetable oil on the painful area, twice a day.
  • For the prevention and treatment of nausea, pour 1 drop of peppermint EO on a small piece of bread or sugar. You can also breathe directly into the bottle or on a handkerchief. Ideal for people sensitive to motion sickness, before and during the trip. Up to 3 times a day.

Officinal lavender: the antiseptic

Used since Antiquity, officinal lavender has antiseptic properties. This essential oil also has healing properties thanks to the stimulation of the production of fibroblasts, healing cells. Other assets, its relaxing action which improves the quality of sleep – in particular by increasing the deep slow-wave sleep phase – and its ability to reduce palpitations and anxiety by activating adenosine 2 receptors (a receptor responsible for triggering cerebral relaxation). Finally, it is appreciated by people with allergies, because it calms the release of histamine (hormone involved in allergy). It is also an excellent repellent against lice, which hate its smell.

>> How to use lavender essential oil?

  • To clean a wound and help healing, drop as quickly as possible on the injured area 2 to 3 drops of HE pure or mixed with vegetable oil of calophylle inophylle. Renew 3 to 4 times a day.
  • Against stress and insomnia with rising tension, nothing like 2 drops of HE massaged on the solar plexus (counterclockwise), or in olfaction with 1 drop on a handkerchief or pillow (away from the eyes ), or in diffusion half an hour before going to bed. To prevent lice, place 1 to 2 drops of HE on the back of the neck of children before school, and add 25 drops in 200 ml of neutral shampoo for the whole family , in times of possible contamination.
  • In the prevention of liceplace 1 to 2 drops of HE on the back of the neck of children before school, and add 25 drops in 200 ml of neutral shampoo for the whole family, in times of possible contamination.

Ravintsara: to boost the immune defenses

Ravintsara EO allows better defense by reducing the viral load when inhaling a virus. Very effective in preventing herpes, it prevents the virus from waking up when you are stressed and tired, or when you are at altitude and in the sun. In curative, it helps to reduce the duration of the pimple or plaque.

>> How to use ravintsara EO?

  • against herpes, in difficult times or when you go skiing or in the sun, pour 1 drop of HE on your lip balm, or 20 drops in 100 ml of foaming gel, soap up then rinse.
  • In prevention of winter viruses (seasonal flu, nasopharyngitis), mix 2 drops of Tsar a ravine HE with 2 drops of radish eucalyptus HE, pure or diluted in a vegetable oil of hazelnut or apricot kernel, and gently massage the sternum, the sole of the foot, the back of the ears and the wrists. You can also simply breathe directly into the bottle twice a day for prevention and up to 5 times a day for treatment.

To know : The essential oils mentioned can be used from 3 years old (and even from 3 months for lavender), except peppermint which is not recommended before 6 years old. However, they are all not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women. Due to its hyper tensor effect, peppermint is also contraindicated in unbalanced hypertensives, as well as in people with epilepsy or asthma.

Our expert : Françoise Couic Marinier, pharmacist and aromatherapist, author of Heal everything with 16 essential oils (ed. Living Earth)

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