The contest mode of the new raid “Edge of Salvation” starts on June 7th, 2024. Players will give everything in Destiny 2 to win the winner’s belt. For this reason, we’ll show you 6 builds that you should use on Day One.
What kind of builds are these? Every team that wants to take home the winner’s belt from the contest mode is currently in the middle of preparing. The raid starts on June 7th at 7 p.m. German time and there isn’t much time left.
For this reason, we have selected two builds for each class that are strong in the current sandbox and could prove useful in the new raid “Edge of Salvation”. We will show you the necessary focuses, aspects and fragments, as well as the Exos you need. You can jump to the respective builds using our directory:
Destiny 2: The Final Shape Edge of Salvation Raid Trailer
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Prisma Build
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? This Titan build focuses on his melee attack of consecration. Ecstatic Blade gives you three melee charges that you can send on their way with the aspect of consecration. Enemies burst into flames and take massive damage. With this build, you not only get health back, but also deal massive damage without stepping on enemies.
Bubble Build
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? With this build, you are more responsible for preparing for a DPS phase. With the 14th Saint’s Helmet, your bubble gets a damage buff and with the aspects and fragments, you take on the role of the supporter. You set your bubble and give your teammates an overshield, even if they are not in the “Protection of the Dusk”.
Prism Warlock
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? The build is more about taking on the support role. You increase the damage resistance and regeneration of your teammates’ abilities with Song of Flame and, if necessary, throw a healing grenade at your teammates. It is important to take solar weapons with you for DPS, as you can do more damage with your solar weapons when your super is charged.
Well Warlock
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? The Warlock’s Well has been massively nerfed and although it’s not quite as good anymore, you should still keep it in reserve. With this build, you’ll be focusing primarily on healing and buffs. The “Speaker’s Sight” helmet also creates healing turrets that you can use to continuously heal your allies even from a distance.
Prism Hunter
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? This build is all about close combat. You probably think that’s pure madness in contest mode, but this build is so powerful that you don’t need to worry about close combat. You slow down your opponents with your dodge roll and deliver your finishing blows with the Liar’s Handshake. After each melee kill of frozen enemies, you become invisible and also regenerate melee energy and your health.
Stasis Hunter
This is what you need for the build
How does the build play? This build is more about support and keeping the enemies at bay. Your Renewal Grips paired with the Dawnfield Grenades create icy domes that give you and your teammates damage resistance. This is handy and can be especially useful in encounters where you are overrun by enemies.
These were all the builds we recommend for Day One in The Final Shape. Do you have other builds in your loadouts that you would like to share? Then feel free to exchange ideas with other Guardians in the comments. You can find out more about why the new raid is worthwhile even for those who can’t stand raids here: Destiny 2: Why you should try the raid from “The Final Shape” even if you hate raids.