6 (bad) habits that accelerate aging

6 bad habits that accelerate aging

A diet that is too rich, a lack of physical activity or a high level of stress can influence the aging of your skin.

Wrinkles, spots, dryness of the skin or even loss of radiance are signs of aging of the skin. Several studies have shown that chronic stress, for example, damages our cells in the long term and accelerates this process.

On the same subject

A study of the Servier institute shows that the emergence of wrinkles is more linked to our lifestyle than to age. Their appearance would indeed be correlated with behaviors, such as smoking, exposure to the sun or even lack of sleep.

Pollution, diet, alcohol and certain drugs also influence the aging of the skin, according to the European Center in Dermocosmetology.

How to prevent skin aging?

And if you limit your stress ? Do not hesitate to concentrate on the essential tasks of your day. Delegate, for example, extra tasks, in order to be more serene and to avoid rehashing negative thoughts.

Without practicing an hour of sport each day, do not forget to practice regular physical activity. It promotes the fight against the harmful effects of a sedentary lifestyle, such as the deposition of sugar in the cells or weight gain.

On your face, favor natural and organic products. Properly hydrate your skin with a cream adapted to your epidermis, do not forget to remove your makeup and use sunscreen to expose yourself to the sun.

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